Frequently Asked Questions v. 2.1

Discussion in 'Guides' started by -_A_-CareBearCrystal, Mar 12, 2016.

  1. The daily sales were introduced in September 2015. Apart from this, noice thread and good job ?
  2. Thank you! I read the date, from the thread it was annouced on, as the date of the last reply on it. Thanks to blunt for fixing it.
  3. Nice codes :)
  4. Sticky!!! Awesome guide!! 
  5. Great job Crystal
  6. bb code goals. Useful material, good job️
  7. Forums told me to come here
  8. Is it just me or should this guide be in the guide section? Because it's awesome. New players need to be able to access this quick.
  9. Sticky️moved to guide section and like def going into my guide of pimd
  10. Thank you for moving this to the guides section so newer players, or other players, will have easy access to it.?
  11. Good Job Crystal?
    ~ Forums
  12. Congrats on the thread promotion. 
  13. All those mods yet i barely see any around 
  14. They are shy but one may lure them with the proper bait. Some like bacon.
  15. I have Canadian bacon if that helps
  16. Hmmmm when so many have my number a simple text to update guides would suffice Good job though, very thorough and well done.
  17. Oh damn .-. Well at least she did credit you with your thread
  18. Blurple 
  19. How do you merc ?
  20. Hi can someone please tell me where can I buy Care Pack Notice?