Hello everyone, Currently too lazy to add BBC?. So, obviously some features are broken or missing in this game. All the updates and new features that ATA adds to the game are just features for us to spend more money into the game. I think they should slow down a bit and think of innovating the game. Be able to send gift in bulks. Be able to see the hunt leaderboard elsewhere than the WCA which vanishes all the time because people spams that place. Add new jobs Create better events Etc Do you guys have ideas to improve this game?
I like the sending gifts in bulk idea It would be nice if there was an unload button for parties and such
I used to love this idea but isn't it too much convenience for a player? Thar's why there is a repeat action button there.
Did not know that...no, i knew that, but had not applied that logic to it... thanks! Lol would just be nice to DN inside the party without backing out.
Gifts in bulk. For sure. The code can't be that difficult to add, bit I'm not a programmer so, I dunno
Yea not gonna happen. sent them few feedback and they keep sending the same automated message. (Thank you blablabla honest feedback blablabla)
This is a good idea they might do this. Favorable to those who do flash cat cafe. Look apes, more income.