I dont mind ppl critiquing my writing, I am writing this one carelessly and quickly and I'm not perfect. But if ur going to correct me plz use proper grammar yourself, have not got
Chpt 5 (Srry can't think of a title) I rested my head in my lap as I waited, I heard a noise and Tony was by my side. "Are you ok, love?" Tony whispered as he rubbed my back. I sat up and looked at him, I was going to yell at him how I'm not his 'love' but something stopped me. I looked into his beautiful deep dark green eyes, my heart beat rapidly out of beat. His skin was so flawless and inviting I just wanted touch him. My expression went from angry to blank quickly. I'm not sure why but I grabbed his face and pulled it hard against mine. Our lips synced together, his hands were all over me, we were leaning back when some one walked in. "T- Oh...ooh! Omigoodness I'm so-o sorry I didn't know she... You guys... Um, we'll just leave," Conner said awkwardly and Storm and Selina came in holding a very pretty girl. She had long perfect golden curls and dark blue eyes; I didn't know her but the girl Sophie came in holding I recognized immediately. I stood and looked at her with tears coming to my eyes. "Amy."
A KID?! you had to put in a kid?! She's gonna make their lives hell (not really), any more chapters coming soon?
Lol Bree, kids is the gooey tuff that keeps the characters together. Dot worry lol... I had to die that early?!?!?!
Chpt 6 New members on our side Amy. Her real name was Tammy but she hated it, she was my best friend. She was three years younger and came from a horrible family so I felt a motherly instinct with her, even with my strong aversion to children. Amy had gorgeous dark velvet red hair and dull big blue eyes, her whole family was VERY irish. I ran over and hugged her tightly, but she pushed me away. "Uh, do I know you?" she asked sounding really ticked. "Sophie let go," I said and she obeyed, "Yes your my..." I trailed off hearing her thoughts. Amy didn't remember me killing her or me at all, Alexandra- the girl that was struggling in the arms of Selina and Storm- was Amy's best friend. Alex had stuck up for Amy when MrE or one of his girls started getting on Amy's case. It was sad to hear; I wanted her to know how we lived back then. I closed my eyes and held Amy's face, flashing back into memories of us. My mind kind of floated around while I 'found' this power, I actually forced it. Of course I absentmindedly used the power I made me find something to help Amy remember. I'm not sure what exactly happened seeing how I didn't watch from anyone else's PoV, but when I opened my eyes and her Amy's happy thoughts I knew she remembered now. "What kinda friend kills me?" she asked playfully. "Haha, well you did really get me POed. Well since I see neither of you really liked the dark side you can join us! I already know you won't trick us, right?" my eyes flared deep blood red as I thought of the most horrific consequence of that. My mind was out as I thought of it but I felt the horror Alexandra felt as it reached her mind. My mind came back, "Very well then, welcome to the main superhuman... Coven?! Oh by the way Amy, did the dark side have cookies?" with that most of us started laughing... Everyone except storm. "You can't bring people into our group your NOT the leader!" he said rudely. Dang I didn't like this guy.
I learned codes and wanna try:3 [color=*yellow][size=*5000][*u][*b][*i] Ty!! [/color][/size][/u][/b][/i]