The world seemed to go in slow motion. Brandon dropped to the ground while Chloe screamed and tore from Jhon's arms and ran to her beloved. She hugged him and kissed him, getting covered in blood with tears streaming down her face. She screamed that she loved him. She said she couldn't live without him. Nothing worked, the boy was gone. And in that sad, desperate moment, The great Raphael, archangel, Brandons dad, looked down and saw his dead son, the crying woman and the smiling Mickayla. He knew that he must act quick, Brandons power was beginning to manifest within her again. But he can't directly interfere, so, with his love for his son, fear for mankind and hatred for Mickayla, he struck Chloe down with all his power
That was NOT a detailed ending. Seriously? Killing chloe? What about mickayla? She still gots Brandons power! And where's jhon?!?!
The world seemed to go in slow motion. Brandon dropped to the ground while Chloe screamed and tore from Jhon's arms and ran to her beloved. She hugged him and kissed him, getting covered in blood with tears streaming down her face. She screamed that she loved him. She said she couldn't live without him. Nothing worked, the boy was gone. And in that sad, desperate moment, The great Raphael, archangel, Brandons dad, looked down and saw his dead son, the crying woman and the smiling Mickayla. He knew that he must act quick, Brandons power was beginning to manifest within her again. But he can't directly interfere, so, with his love for his son, fear for mankind and hatred for Mickayla, he struck Chloe down with all his power and instead of Chloe dropping dead to the ground, she was lifted up, glowing, beautiful. Long, magnificent white feathered wings sprouted from her back and her glow intensified. Mickayla stared in shock
The world seemed to go in slow motion. Brandon dropped to the ground while Chloe screamed and tore from Jhon's arms and ran to her beloved. She hugged him and kissed him, getting covered in blood with tears streaming down her face. She screamed that she loved him. She said she couldn't live without him. Nothing worked, the boy was gone. And in that sad, desperate moment, The great Raphael, archangel, Brandons dad, looked down and saw his dead son, the crying woman and the smiling Mickayla. He knew that he must act quick, Brandons power was beginning to manifest within her again. But he can't directly interfere, so, with his love for his son, fear for mankind and hatred for Mickayla, he struck Chloe down with all his power and instead of Chloe dropping dead to the ground, she was lifted up, glowing, beautiful. Long, magnificent white feathered wings sprouted from her back and her glow intensified. Mickayla stared in shock and fear as she realized what was happening. Her legs wouldn't move and her throat had closed up, preventing any words to come out. Her bright green eyes were wide with terror, she knew she was as good as dead now. Chloe dropped to the ground with her wings outstretched, nearly twice the length of her arm span, she was mumbling something in Latin that Mickayla knew all too well, it was a chant, a prayer and a spell. A spell that could kill the Fallen Angel. That only one with great power could successfully Manuever. "Cecidisse suo iure cadet et magnus fiet in patria. The fallen will fall and The great will take their rightful place in heaven. Cecidisse suo iure cadet et magnus fiet in patria!!!!!" her voice grew fierce and Mickayla grew weak. Her knees dropped to the ground and her head fell back. Not even a scream escaped her lips. Jhon, who had been standing and watching chloe's transformation, ran to Mickayla and grabbed her in her arms. He knew she was done for, but she had to know. With tears in his eyes, he said. "Manakel. Please. Listen to me, my sweet little Manakel. When I first saw you, walking Raphael down the garden, I was in love. You were so beautiful, all smiles and the way you looked at me? I wasn't able to sleep that whole night! I was too busy trying to decipher what was behind that look. You left me breathless." he held her in his arms brought his face closer to hers. He was crying freely now. "even when you became a part of the fallen. I was still in love and i followed you here. I tried to protect you!! But I failed!" he said this last part in a whisper. Mickayla looked up at him and smiled. She brought her hand up to his cheek and he relished her touch. Her voice was a slight whisper, barely able to be heard over the winds and crickets. "Jhon. Oh Jhon. I love you. I always have. I'm sorry I had to disappoint." Her hand fell from his cheek and her eyes slowly closed. Her heartbeat was fluttering and Jhon was doing his best to keep her alive. Unfortunately, his attempts were worth nothing. Chloe stood up gracefully and walked towards them, and, as strange as it seems, she blew a kiss to Mickayla, and when she blew, Mickayla disappeared in dust. She was gone. Dead. Chloe's smile was big, she had avenged her lover and now her work was done. Her wings folded into her back and Jhon stared incredulously at the dust in his hands. No tears came. Nothing. He stood up and walked out. Swift and gingerly. No one saw the angel again. On heaven or earth. Chloe lived on. She left school and with her new found powers, served as an angel on earth, guarding over those who are forgiven. Luke returned to his father in heaven with Elena, who was also an angel, sent to guard over the boy. No one really got their happily ever after, but the world was saved and they were safe. Brandon was remembered and never forgotten. Mickayla...well she stayed every boys fantasy, so I guess you could say she was remembered. Jean Whethers never put any pieces together, she was too scared too. But the point is, no one was completely happy, and so I can't end this tale with that classic 'and they all lived happily ever after' so.....The End.
Yay!! You did a good job on the ending! Much better than the Justin bieber one or the teen wolf one
Thank you lmao JUSTIN IS MINE!!! But I secretly want Shane too!! Omg!!! What about jonny?!? TOO MANY MEN!!!