Concerning Tops leaderboard

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Royale_Kaname_Will_Never_Die, Jun 11, 2016.

  1. Hello everyone,

    This thread is to talk about the TOPS leaderboard issue. Why the hell are you displaying it on the world chat Announcement?
    People keep posting crap and it is hard to find it. Can you not add an extra category next to RS/VIP/TUTORS that would be called "Top leaderboard" and would be only active during hunts.

    You guys should really feel ashamed to give us crappy feature and only focus on money.
  2. Support. ?
  3. I find it after like 5 seconds of scrolling, although sometimes they're updating it so of course it's not there. It's not that hard, I'm fine with the current leaderboard. :|
  4. Me not at all, it's really cheap and it's easy to make it vanish by spamming CA.
  5. Pretty easy to find even if you have to scroll to the end. It's not up when it's being updated, so maybe that's when you are checking
  6. I missed that namee <3
  7. Well for me, after scrolling a certain time, it forces me to jump in CC. So I cannot go beyond certain level.
  8. Me toooooo <3 :')
  9. Scroll? You can't scroll the ca
  10. You can swipe it. Left and right.
  11. No you can't...
  12. That means you're at the end of announcements
  13. Not all phones have to option to "scroll" through CA.
    Mine does but my husband's won't do it.

    Oh, also I support this idea! ?
  14. But won't you get changed again 
  15. I can't scroll it either :(. And most often people are spamming campus announcement with emojis so it's pretty much useless for any real info anyway.
  16. No :''")
  17. Campus announcements no, club announcements yes.
  18. I'm literally swiping campus announcement rn ? it's possible. I guess not all devices can do it though