Happy National Best Friend Day!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iBabyAlienAbductYou, Jun 8, 2016.

  1. Happy National Best Friend

    Today, June 8th, 2016, marks National Best Friend Day. June 8th
    celebrates National Best Friends Day, a day to honor that one special person you call
    your “best friend”. This day is a time to show them how much you appreciate them,
    how special and important they are to you and how you cherish their friendship.

    Like many, I do have best friends. To me, best friends are
    people who love talking to you and spending time with you and much much more. My
    best best friend is my wife, Julia. I spend every minute of the day with her, when I am
    not working or sleeping and sometimes her boyfriend comes out exploring with us. (We
    got fake married at an event at our school.) Without her, I don’t know where I would be.
    But I do have other friends and I am glad to have them. Here are some pictures of them

    What are your best friends like?

  2. Ooh ooh and can't forget papi! Papi may be a mod but he is one of my best friends and always makes me smile and laugh and enjoy being on pimd :) Thanks for always being a best friend to me papi! 
  3. Aww thanks Best Friend  You make my day brighter when we talk, and I've missed you the past few weeks while you were away  I'm glad you're back and smiling more than ever!
  4. I don't have any friends 
  5. I'll be your friend! 
  6. I used to have a best friend... Then she became a monster... Maybe someone will misplace their kid and they will have to put my ex best friend down for the protection of that poor child that gets caught in her ravenous clutches.
  7. Be my friend please. 
  8. Now your just getting to needy
  9. 
  10. My best friend is Crystal aka Hurricane. She complains about literally everything and randomly texts me song lyrics to songs that she's listening to while we're having a conversation. Our inside jokes are funny af, and I'm beyond comfortable talking to her, we never have those awkward moments. We talk about everything and our convos consist of boi problems, make up that I know nothing about ?, and how hungry we are 24/7. She's also lowkey a ho, but that's ok since I am too sadly smh. JK, she's pretty loyal to her man . I can always depend on her and she's always there to make me laugh when I'm being negative af. We always stay up because she's a big procrastinator and does homework hella late lmao. We have the same music taste and honestly, that's one of the best things about her. Even though she might come off as weird or even rude ?, she's probably one of the nicest people you'll stumble upon on Pimd. She knows she's gorgeous " Why am I so bomb, do you see that highlight though?? " but she doesn't know how much I appreciate her as a friend.
    So, Hi BFF I love you more than you love Zayn, and I won't pick you over anyone k 
    Happy National Best Friend Day. ♡
  11. OMG  I love you best friend even if you like crawfish ?. Don't exclude the part where you complain about everything too SMH. I'm so lucky to have someone who listens to my problems, rants, weirdness, and you're that person  I wouldn't change our friendship for the world
  12. Best friends Broncoo and ricecakes

    Ily guys, ?? all ya sexy
  13. Aww ️
  14. Oooops ;)
  15. LMAO
  16. My bestfriends are me, myself and I. :lol:
  17. Oi hm my bestfriends are my absolute everything. I tell them things I don't tell my siblings or parents. They're the ones I run to because I know I can trust them. On top of that, we rant/complain/agree about guys, feminism, food, more food, food again, sleep deprivation, hoe-like tendencies, ppl we hate, etc. My closest bestfriend and I are practically one. She understands me like no one else. We hardly say "Hey, I love you", but it's evident in every day of our lives (& that #1 bestfriend thing on snapchat ?? validating that friendship) :') ❤️

    Without them, my life spiral down a bit too quickly. They're the strings that hold me together, and every time I think about my bestfriend moving across the world from me, it breaks me inside. I love them more than food. That's saying a whole lot ??
  18. My bestfriend passed away. Rip Julissa.
    You're missed each and everyday. ?
  19. Lou was my first bff here :)
    Could never find another :lol: