No drops from DIY. But I think there will be many different potds possibly. Different levels. The hunt states that different levels of hardness for parties will drop different amounts. Fa could just be one potd for the day.
Spy Fall Hunt List Drops will be occurring at 20:00 GMT/12pm PST/2pm CST/3pm EST from now on per Emails from Support Here is a thread for time conversion if you're not sure about timezones! Here is a thread for the full hunt breakdown – today is the start of day 1 of 14! Cat drop max of 500 Bikini drop max of 250 PPOTD drop max of 245 POTD drop max of 126 POTD Hunt List Here is a party tracker so we can find party of the day Key Old Party Of The Day-NO LONGER DROPS Not Party Of The Day Party Of The Day Regular Parties NO LONGER DROPS Cat Cafe Pizza Pop (Art) Fake Art 101: Exi Nightclub Inc Pro Parties NO LONGER DROPPING Being Checked Parties Which Needs To Be Checked Afternoon Delight (PRO) Anime Expo (PRO) Arcade (Mis)fire (PRO) Art Starzzz (PRO) Back Alley Debut (PRO) Big In Japan (PRO) Blue Plate Special (PRO) Cabana Cool (PRO) Cosplay Please (PRO) Counter Culture (PRO) Draw Manga (PRO) DIY Tattoo (PRO) Dumpster Dive (PRO) Enjoi J-POP (PRO) Factory Art (PRO) Fake Art 101 (PRO) First World Problems (PRO) Hype Machine (PRO) Just Dance! (PRO) Limo Luxury (PRO) No Hand Brakes! (PRO) Noodle Express (PRO) Skyhigh Party (PRO) Wait-Listed (PRO)
Just realized the thread links aren't accurate lol. When I u[date next with Pro parties, I'll make sure there is a full breakdown thread and link the actual announcement page here
unless this hunt changed what the max drops were from previous hunts it has always been 500 from cats, 250 from kinis, 245 from pros, and 126 from parties. there's the bonus of 300 on any party that drops though, which isn't factored into that. nevermind, sorry hadn't read through the forum post just yet. got home from grocery shopping and bam a hunt - need to put the food away still XD
Spy Fall Hunt List Drops will be occurring at 20:00 GMT/12pm PST/2pm CST/3pm EST from now on per Emails from Support Here is a thread for time conversion if you're not sure about timezones! Here is a thread for the full hunt breakdown – today is the start of day 1 of 14! Cat drop max of 500 Bikini drop max of 250 PPOTD and POTD drop different amounts depending on the difficulty and time required to complete these parties POTD Hunt List Here is a party tracker so we can find party of the day Key Old Party Of The Day-NO LONGER DROPS Not Party Of The Day Party Of The Day Regular Parties NO LONGER DROPS Cat Cafe Pizza Pop (Art) Fake Art 101: Exi Nightclub Inc Pro Parties NO LONGER DROPPING Being Checked Back Alley Debut (PRO): WTC Dumpster Dive (PRO): IT/Corrupted Assassins Counter Culture (PRO): CL Skyhigh Party (PRO): Matrix Draw Manga (PRO): BN Parties Which Needs To Be Checked Afternoon Delight (PRO) Anime Expo (PRO) Arcade (Mis)fire (PRO) Art Starzzz (PRO) Big In Japan (PRO) Blue Plate Special (PRO) Cabana Cool (PRO) Cosplay Please (PRO) DIY Tattoo (PRO) Enjoi J-POP (PRO) Factory Art (PRO) Fake Art 101 (PRO) First World Problems (PRO) Hype Machine (PRO) Just Dance! (PRO) Limo Luxury (PRO) No Hand Brakes! (PRO) Noodle Express (PRO) Wait-Listed (PRO)
Spy Fall Hunt List Drops will be occurring at 20:00 GMT/12pm PST/2pm CST/3pm EST from now on per Emails from Support Here is a thread for time conversion if you're not sure about timezones! Here is a thread for the full hunt breakdown – today is the start of day 1 of 14! Cat drop max of 500 Bikini drop max of 250 PPOTD and POTD drop different amounts depending on the difficulty and time required to complete these parties POTD Hunt List Here is a party tracker so we can find party of the day Key Old Party Of The Day-NO LONGER DROPS Not Party Of The Day Party Of The Day Regular Parties NO LONGER DROPS Cat Cafe Pizza Pop (Art) Fake Art 101: Exi Nightclub Inc Back Alley Debut (PRO): WTC Pro Parties NO LONGER DROPPING