Discussion in 'Wars' started by Eat, May 28, 2016.

  1. What are all the SFW happening and how do I enter one. Kthxbai
  2. Enter one ? Good luck m8
  3. You have to post on campus looking for a sfw, clubs will wall u once u have posted and ask if.you have a cat for entry. You will then take a ss of your cat and send them the ss through a third party app. Once that is done u will be let in with open arms, and that is how u join sfw these days.
  4. Man I'll try that let me get back to you.
  5. I think the easiest way would be to join a club that is being farmed and then boom you're in an SFW. Speak to a barcode for club. Suggestions

    You could also scam or hit a member of a major club with a lot of big players that enjoy farming people. Sometimes it will be explicitly written on their wall like "Targets one of us target all"

    Last way. Find someone who says "SFW don't take tutors" in their status and strip them of ALL their tuts. Don't skimp. And then (this is optional) unload on them. Then that person will probably buy their tutors back, DN and unload on you and consider you part of their SFW.

    I dunno, these are just suggestions. Hope this helps. Good luck out there mate.
  6. Oh I forgot one other way, talk mad crap on a 3rd party app about somebody. That's a solid way to start one.
  7. Just go use a few DNS on a barcode.
  8. Thanks mate any tips on sf?
  10. that is why don't drink and pimd
  11. Who said I was drinking??
  12. This guy is obvi a scientist listen to him
  13. He changed his name I don't care for him anymore.
  14. Just hit the bl list, because hitting isn't nice
  15. ?
  16. Hit someone . Make them mad and make them club farm you and stuff

  17. Don't get stripped.
  18. :lol:
  19. Oooooo a famous barcode! I must use my master ball and catch it!? Pls take me as a apprentice.
  20. first leave the cc club, then you will start learning