WARNING: This story, as most of my stories have been, will be dark. However, it will be the most dark story I have written to date. If you can't handle a bit of gore, this is not a story for you. Prologue I sat in horror as the animated corpse moved towards me, the undead mouth grinning from ear to ear. Death stared me in the eyes, those eyes being sockets from which no sight should have been possible. Blood still seeped slowly from these sockets. Not fresh blood like the injury had been recent, but blood that had sat but not dried. Similarly, blood also was still present in the cavity in the chest, where the heart of this corpse had been ripped out. I could not keep my eyes off of the spectacle I was presented with. "Go away..." I managed to stammer, fear emanating from my words. "Leave me alone! I don't deserve this! What happened was your fault! You brought it upon yourself!" My body had begun to shake violently, making my words lose their sense of confidence. The cadaver let out a couple of short "breaths" that resembled laughing, seeing my bluff. "My dear old husband.... You never were great at lying..." Her face was now almost directly in mine, my back pressed against the wall. "'Til death do us part'... How fitting, no? You really thought things would work that easily? You'll soon come to regret your choices..." With a final grin that needed no other words, my dead wife shoved her hand through my chest and grabbed my heart delicately before forcefully tearing it from its proper place. Before my brain had caught up with dying along with my heart, I witnessed my life organ being devoured by the one who once always held it in a much different way.
So before this chapter, I'm just going to suggest that you read my other story "The Hangman", as this is a sequel. However, it isn't necessary what order they are read in, as I'll explain things as I go along. As always, thanks for reading. Chapter One- A Foully Played Joke I stared down at my cereal, moving it along in the bowl with my spoon. My stomach growled, but I wasn't hungry. I got up from the table, leaving my breakfast. You shouldn't feel this bad about it... You did what you had to do... She deserved every single thing that happened to her... My rationale didn't seem to change that feeling of panic and fear in the core of my being. I grabbed a clean shirt from my room as the tv played the daily news, a rerun of a story that has been playing for the past couple of weeks currently on again: "The suicide of a local man is currently being investigated by police, foul play suspected to be involved. The man was hung from a tree just outside of town and was discovered by the man's neighbor, who had witnessed erratical behavior from the man four days before the body was found. There was signs of struggle, as marks on the throat of the victim would indicate. If anyone has any information regarding the case, please conta-" I hit the power on the remote and walked towards the front door. If anyone had any information, you'd think they would have said something by now. It's a lost cause. They should just move on. I walked outside, the sun just barely visible through the thick morning fog. Just clear your head... It's been over a year now... If they were going to find out, they would have. I hopped into my car and turned the key, which I already had in the ignition. I felt no need to take the keys out or lock my car, as nothing ever happened in this town. The man who had been murdered was the only commotion in a long time. I switched over to my fog lights and carefully pulled out of the driveway. Everything was always the same around here: 7:00am - Wake up and head to work 12:00pm - Go for lunch with some of the guys 2:00pm - Overhear gossip about whoever isn't on break 3:15pm - Use the washroom 4:00pm - Watch the boss have an argument with his wife over the phone 5:30pm - Head home 6:45pm -Cook dinner 7:00pm - Watch TV 10:00pm - Go to bed Everyday, the same schedule was kept. Only difference now was the gossip that was talked about all the time at work; "Did you hear about the man who committed suicide? They think he was actually murdered." "I heard someone say that they saw a man with the guy before he disappeared." "The murderer wasn't human! How else has he gone without being caught!?" I arrived at work, expecting the same thing as always. When I arrived, however, no one was there. The lights were turned off; only shadow lay before me. I swear to god, if I came to work on a Sunday... I fumbled through the dark, trying to find my way to the light switches. Approximately halfway through the cubicles, something brushed against my arm. "What the hell..." As if by sensors, the lights came on at once, blinding me for a few seconds. What sort of practical joke is this... My thoughts ended there as my eyes adjusted. What I felt crawl across my skin was a noose, hung in the middle of the floor.
Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a long time... Been sorting through quite a bit of personal stuff. I hope to get back into things eventually, but I'm not sure when that will be. Thanks for your understanding.
Alright... Seeing as how fanfic has really reached an all time low, I will definitely be writing more
So I know I just started a new story, but I shall be updating this one as well as that one at the same time, as Hangman 2 and 3 don't need to be read in order (I do suggest reading the first one before these though). I will try to update this one soon, as I finally know where I'm going with these.