I'm just looking for ideas. Believe me, I know how to go about investing, but brokers want you to know what you want before you contact them to waste their time. I'm not looking for a get rich quick investment. Money is not a problem in my household whatsoever. I want a return of something in 5 years.
I've never heard of this company. I'll search some information about them. Do you know whether they have a spot on the stock market?
What? If it weren't against TofU, I'd give you the Web site for my company. Also, I'm hiring. You sound a little butthurt. Would you be interested in applying?
So you're young enough to be supposedly joining the Navy but also old enough to own a multi-billion dollar company? Are you also Superman?
In the forum where you talk all about your previous gang life you state that currently you are a cashier at Walmart. How did you go from cashier at Walmart to owner of a multibillion dollar property company in just 2 years? These are the kind of things you gotta put in a "get rich quick" book, man.
I've NEVER been a Cashier at Wal-Mart. I do have gang affiliation, but this is neither the time nor the place to discuss that. It only took me a year, actually, to bring this company from almost nothing to a multi-billion dollar one. Have you heard of Property Preservation? That's what I do. My crews go to homes and properties foreclosed on by banks, owned by banks, and they get them back up to Federal HUD standards, for re-sale on the market at a lower price. My fiancée and I, along with one of my highest paid and most experienced supervisors, go to banks, like JP Morgan Chase and Citi Bank, and we discuss their properties and the most realistic amount that it would cost over time to fix them up. Hence, multi-billion dollar company. I sign billion dollar contracts with banks. MANY of them. If I hire someone out of state, the banks will pay relocation packages to me, then I pay a portion of that to the employee relocating. I'm not sure where you got that I was a cashier at Wal-Mart, but I don't even shop at Wal-Mart and haven't in the last probably six years.