Dear 10 Year Old Self

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ForeverAlice, May 18, 2016.

  1. I'd tell her that even tho things look bad at that time, they get better. Then get bad again... But slowly get less bad. I'd tell her not to waste my time being sad, to be more open with her friends and families, the ones she loves. Because she'd never be sure how long she can keep them. I'd tell her all the things I accomplished from my writings, to my art, to things that she probably believed she couldn't do back then. I'd tell her that she's never alone and that in a few more years I couldn't wait to see how well of a person she turns us in to. I'd tell her that everything she feels I felt and I understand, but that's no excuse for being an insensitive jerk, no one cares about your problems. That's a trait that effect me more than you, creep. Finally I'd tell her to never change, cause she's probably a good person later, and our twenty year old self probably would appreciate a nice out look on life early on. Oh and to love her youngest brother even more than I did, second chances only come once.
  2. I would tell past me to not date half the guys I did
  3. To tell my mom you love her all the time. She won't always be there and won't ever see you succeed. 5-21-07 may she forever fly with the angels.
  4. I would've told my younger self to be their and help alot more leading to my grandfathers death
  5. Bang more middleaged poontang
  6. Dear 10 Year Old Self,

    Being gay is a sin. Just keep believing that, and you'll probably never be gay.
    (Or maybe I'd just tell myself that being gay is okay. I'm not sure what I'd say, actually.)

    You get out of the house from your abusive mom at 17. Don't look back. Keep sending her Mother's Day cards, but she'll never respond, she'll never look back for you.

    Your twin brother is your only need and constant in your life. Don't think he's anything less than amazing, because he will help you out of every ditch you get yourself into and help you through every single one of life's obstacles that you face.

    Your friends will come and go, but your brother? He'll always be there for you, so always be there for him.

    Don't get into any relationships unless you know their past record of dating and the full story behind all of them. It sounds stalkerish now, but later on you'll get into many abusive relationships if you don't do this.

    Even if you do make dumb mistakes, everything will turn out alright. At least, I hope it will. I might write you another letter in another couple of years to make sure I'm right.

    Have fun. Don't let anyone stop you because they think you're "weird".

    - Ollie, age 17/18 (oh, another thing - you don't know your age, the year's one year apart on your brother's certificate, but it's definitely a fact that you're his twin).
  7. TL:DR
  8. No one likes you
  9. These are great contributions guys. It seems like we've all come really far, or gone through things we wouldn't have imagines when we were younger. For better or worse.

    If only hindsight was 20/20
  10. Oi I like this idea so here's my contribution.

    Things do get better, and life is worth it. You're gonna lose a few very important people and quick, but keep your head up and don't dwell on it. Don't be so quick to fall in love, especially with a guy who brings you down. Always remember, Maximum Effort! You'll need that down the road.
  11. Sleep and procrastination is your friend
  12. All the answers to the final papers ~
  13. Dear 10 year old me, brace yourself, life sucks.
  14. El oh el
  15. Don't worry about what people'll grow up to be hawt
  16. Nope actually just you wait and Netflix will be bae