In America's quest to try and emulate what the British Empire was in terms of power they decided to make the same mistakes the empire did, and doing so we now have ISIS.
Its a good thing that Jihadi John is playing this game instead of killing people in the name of religion. I request Jihadi John to bring his friends who are in ISIS to this game and make them play this game as much as possible. World will be a better place if this happens. Please repost this msg as much as you can. Bring ISIS to this game.
Too controversial? A game marketed to young teens that is ridiculously sexualised is quite controversial. Yet here we are.
My opinion about ISIS is that they are fighting a cold battle that they can't win. #NotAChance They might have killed a lot more of our people than we will ever. #ThankVeteransEveryday But at least we have mercy and are humble to those who are incident. They hold our people hostage that are nothing but incident like our journalists etc... The only way they actually have a chance and still in this fight is because they have no fear in dying. Our veterans are willing to sacrifice their lives to make sure we have freedom but ISIS people are not as organized as ours and actually do sacrifice their lives. Our veterans are not train to not fear death because they are except to go home and see their families. Overall opinion is that ISIS deserves what's coming to them when Donald Trump gets elected.
This is everything wrong with America's ISIS opinion in one post. America's middle east kill count is above 1.5 million, isis has a small fraction of that number.
We have mercy? No. Or we would've left the region years ago. But there is money to be made there so we stay and murder countless civilians.
The American war on terror has claimed between 1.3-2 million lives. If we count all western involvement in the Middle East for the 2 decades before that then it's above 4 million. Isis has killed what? 20k?
On the topic of mercy and Americas greatness... Why does Guantanamo Bay still exist? America are a democracy. They use an offshore torturing facility on innocent people.
I can't tell you who will win the match...but I can tell you who is gonna lose their job regardless of the outcome ?