[Schedule]League of Disasters

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IHateFeet, May 13, 2016.

  1. League of Disasters: Schedule

    Noteable Change: We have shortened the league to where teams only meet up once now but still will keep the 24 hours of war. Reason being is god forbid a promo pop up (even though this might still happen) and we have to make delays.


    After this time, upgrades must cease and we will begin to balance the roster. Wall me any upgrade changes leading up to this point.

    Also, a few have voiced concern about sticking together with whom they signed up with, if you joined this league with a friend you want to stay with, comment who you're with on this post or contact team captains listed below and if you do get balanced to another team we'll try to keep you together.

    Earthquake Captain: IHateFeet
    Hurricane Captain:TigerApps
    Thunderstorm Captain: DefinitelyNotZiggy
    Tsunami Captain: RainbowLesbian

    Declare Times:
    10:30am Hawaii
    1:30pm PST
    4:30pm EST
    8:30pm GMT
    2:00am IST
    4:30am SGT

    This is the time we DECLARE war, you must gather what you can of your team and begin at this time.

    War Schedule:
    Friday, May 20 - Saturday, May 21: Team Hurricane vs Team Tsunami
    Saturday, May 21 - Sunday, May 22: Team Earthquake vs Team Thunderstorm

    Friday, May 27 - Saturday, May 28: Team Hurricane vs Team Earthquake
    Saturday, May 28 - Sunday, May 29: Team Tsunami vs Team Thunderstorm

    Friday, June 3 - Saturday, June 4: Team Hurricane vs Team Thunderstorm
    Saturday, June 4 - Sunday, June 5: Team Tsunami vs Team Earthquake

    Friday, June 10 - Saturday, June 11: Face Off of the Most Victorious Teams
  2. 3rd times the charm. Bb code sucks.
  3. Hurricane \m/
  4. Team earthquake ?
  5. here we go guyss.roaster coming soon
  6. Tsunami

    Hurricane why ya choose Earthquake????
  7. 8:30gmt means many will be awake st time of end of war
    Good timing
  8. Hawaii time 10:30 pm or am? I'm confused ?
  9. 10:30pm Hawaii
  10. Should be 10:30am.
  11.  ? ftw
  12. earthquaaaaake
  13. Sign me up under thunder please
  14. Omg yesss finally we will start soon :)
  15. Sign in on the other thread Hun
  16. i might be able to do it. Just thinking of timezones and when I'm available. I'll sign up tomorrow if i can.