I think there should be an option to choose different races of the avatars instead of just winning what ATA determines for amount of items collected. Example..you can buy the avatar of your choice with a special item won either on spinner,or key items(min stats) and also depending on how many items you collect at the end of hunt. Depending on the amount of items you collect at end of hunt the avatars will have appropriate stats! Just an idea..
Are you saying one should be able to select the race/skin color of their avatar? If so, I could support that.
I would like it if the stats of the avatars were somehow customisable. I can't say race really bothers me though tbh ?
Well this is mainly a mmo (RP)g game Yes; I support this, but devs would have to put more thought into scamming people, so it wouldn't go through ??
Actually no I'm not superficial. I just believe in diversity. I don't think it's fair to have to get a high amount of items to get a black avatar but there's 3 levels for white ones and also what about avatars of the other races? That was my point which clearly went over your head!
The hell does it matter what your avatar looks like? You spend a lot of time staring at your home screen? Or do you base who you rp with on if their avatar is "hot AF"
Lol pumpkin nothing went over my head this idea is just dried up. If you want to customize your ava find another app cause this aint it.
100% what he said. I think about 90% of people who take this game 'seriously' and by seriously I mean those who don't use it to find themselves a bf/gf or to just rp, don't really care for ava's. I couldn't care less if my person has green skin, it's about the stats and nothing else. And why does skin colour even matter? It's irrelevant to the game. To sum it up, no support.
Nani, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent idea were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.