Clash of the Campus Heroes

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, May 5, 2016.

  1. ?, also many players have been asking for longer breaks between hunts, tbh hunt after hunt after hunt is very monotonous. If you gave us at least a week between hunts you would be able to see how players actually play when we dont you pushing hunts down our throats. And how about implementing something to encourage more pvp? I personally love warring but never really get to because of all the b2b hunts and even when players host wars, they're usually stat exclusive, and i'm sure many other players feel the same way
  2. ^That is very accurate. Why keep doing hunt after hunt? Some people work very hard for hunts and it'll be nice to give them a break for a few days. My club just lost a war because people left for the hunt. How are we supposed to experience other features of the game like wars if you are constantly throwing hunts at us? It's irritating.
  3. Are the first 2 avatars male or is that a girl with a flat chest?
  4. Is this a serious question cause I just died?
  5. Also does anyone else miss when the Avis were actually good..please bring back the old designers that's why I only use one avi ... The rest suck
  7. thse avis sucks
  8. This hunt avatars seriously look like they are on drugs or something....and yeah I do agree,hunts after hunts, and new players while they have big stats...don't even know how to war..not saying anything bad about them, but at least give it a break so they can enjoy learning wars as well(if they want to).
    Also, why always make the good avatars only for top 100 or top 10, it just makes ata look like money grubbers. ?
  9. The female too dark lighten her up to my avi tone color
  10. Different hunts, different artist? Or the creation of avis was rushed?
  11. No. Its nice to have some diversity in color. Ya know because some people actually have that skin color. And besides they arent going to change it.
  12. Not bad ...
  13. So basically low stats will receive crampy gift?

  15. Wow ATA, the community is talking to you and you're correcting them like a desperate child trying not to lose an argument, people voted and they were nearly tied, listen to the community and do both and see what people are saying, almost everyone doesn't like the new childish looking Ava's. That's a start for you if you actually listen
  16. Which Parties Give The Drops???