
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nathan1637, Apr 17, 2016.

  1. Yeah I agree
  2. If we focus on the cynicism, we will always have an excuse to not do anything. There is so much negativity in the world. True. But we feel the bad outweighs the good because we focus on what the media tells us.

    Bad news sells.

    But in reality, there is also so much good in the world. Finding it under the rubble of the bad makes it all the more worthwhile.

  3. I've heard this before
  4. The funny thing is, you forgot to mention the earthquake in Japan which has taken more than 40 lives, injured a 1000+ and destroyed many buildings. Japan isn't a third world country, and yet somehow you don't know about this, hmmm ️.

    The media has mentioned both but of course, if you're like 'Just a noob' over here, how can you know about either of these happening. It's kind of hard to know what's happening in the world when you're too busy in the Kardashian column reading about what Kim had for breakfast.

    If you don't even know about Ecuador then, you must have crap for brains or, your education system has failed you deeply, either or.

    Anyways, back to the real topic at hand, even if PIMD does not support this or what not, there are a few charities set up right now taking donations.

    If you would like to donate to Ecuador you can do so through UNICEF and the Red Cross as someone has already mentioned before.

    If you would like to donate to Japan, you can do so through, 'the association for aid and relief, Japan' ?.
  5. This thread needs more attention
  6. Why does ATA have to set up a charity for every disaster in the world? You can only donate if the MMORPG app on your phone supports it? No you just want the dn, ec, and achievement that come along with ATA charities. Selfish noobs
  7. We do not need to limit the ways to help.  Regardless, you pay with your own cash to get DN's so why not buy something for a game I enjoy with the knowledge that it will also help?
  8. hrvatica clearly miss some brain cells or majority of them, apparently you idiot didnt comprehend any single world i posted, but can't blame you sinnce I have no idea about your history, prolly your mom droped you on head as kid
  9. Not this

    But this
  10. So you want ATA to donate their profits, but you won't donate unless you're getting things back? Selfish noob point made
  11. TEA spilled
  12. How do you know I haven't donated already? ? it is interesting that you also try to insult me with "noob" when that has nothing to do with the matter entirely.  I can see discussing with you goes nowhere. So have a good day. 
  13. You insult yourself asking for dn in return for donating to a country effected by a disaster. So, you already donated? Then you want dn for another donation? Or a cookie for donating? like tens of thousands of others already have and will. Take a seat fool
  14. If you're going to try and insult me and call me an idiot then at least learn how to write proper English. Half your sentences didn't make sense, and you clearly lack some major grammar skills.

    I guess when you can't oppose someone with some logic, the easiest thing to do is to call them stupid.

    Quite sad and pathetic but, I wouldn't expect anything less from you though.


    Also, please learn how to insult someone. I've heard better insults from my five year old niece.
  15. Now, I understand he threw comprehension insults at you, but not everyone's first language is English. he certainly doesn't need to perfect the language in order to insult someone with it. His posts can be read and understood. Back to reading AT
  16. Of course, English isn't my first language, so I understand. However, I feel like if you're going to insult someone's intelligence, you might want to ensure that you're not making idiotic and simple mistakes yourself. Otherwise you end up looking like a straight up fool .
  17. Fair enough. My third language. I just throw that note up there into the mix
  18. well sorry , wasn't trying to insult your intelligence because there is non to insult, my grammar sucks no doubt, as the above guy mentioned not everyone speaks english perfectly , but I am sure what I said was easy to read and comprehend