[Idea] Avatar Trading

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Guy, Apr 17, 2016.

  1. Introducing...Avatar Trading!
    Your friends got a better avatar then you and your jealous? Introducing Avatar Trading! We've added the option to trade avatars. Avatar Trading will be accessible from the Profile page of other players. You scroll to the bottom under block and click AT. The Player would receive a notification they will be able to choose from their avatar list and trade!

    Benefits and Uses
    • Shiny Award For Trading!
    • Great For Relationship Partners.
    • Free Of Charge!
    • More to be added!

    • Trading GUI
    • NO LAG
    • In Avatar Selection, Sticker that says "Traded from (Username)
    • Notifications!
    • Disable and Enable Trading with a push of a button!
  2. I'm gonna sayyyyyyy, no support
  3. Seen this suggested numerous times now, no support.
  4. Agreed but :lol: nicely laid out bb codes and sub titles so support based on that
  5. I think we should just be able to gift them ?
  6. I want to gift them not trade.
  7. No support.
  8. Gift not trade
  9. Gift not trade
  10. Support but I rather that I can sell avi for ecs/dns
  11. I dunno. A lot of newbies are gonna get scammed if this happens lol

    When someone has an avatar it sort of is an indicator of how active they are or how much they invest in the game. If avis are giftable, we'll lose that so I don't think it's a good idea.

    what I do want is a section in the avis for "most recently used" avis or a favorites section or to scroll through their thumbnail versions for easier access.
  12. That's why I said Trading GUI, you just drag avatar item thing into a gui and a system makes them trade to each other swapping them at same time with a message saying "Are you fine with trading this avatar?"
  13. No lag? How can you promise lol