Most PIMD Cash Ever

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Rainbow-Kiss-, Apr 14, 2016.

  1. Only 16.4t lol
  2. 1.2T I finally felt like a cool kid.
  3. Like 400B
    I cannot save money on here. :'( it upsets me to see all that money just doing nothing.
  4. The nature of money is such that it shouldn't be needs to be invested
  5. 1T or more. I always use cash, can't save up ?
  6. Eleventy trillion
  7. Outside
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  8. "Only" :shock: most I have ever had was 1.2 T
  9. 1.69T :c
  10. Share the wealth bruh
  11. Now it's 600B :')
  12. About 4 years ago when money was hard to come by, I had my old pup's phone in my hand. He had 12t on hand and at that point I believe he was known to be the richest person on the game