
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TheLustyMonk2, Apr 16, 2016.

  1. On a bright sunny day
    In the month if May
    Love found it's way
    When you turned gay
    Kay? Kay

    That's all I have to say

    Let the hate begin

    Oh and I'm bored
  2. LustyMonk is bored as hell
    Is he cool though, who can tell
    Posting rhymes to make up her time
    He voted Trump he outta her mind
    His threads can be derailed
    Yet he'll post without a fail
    But as soon as the Freshking
    A greedy badass ascending,
    LustyMonk has grown some hair, and he bowed down to the King of Kings

    bored too lol
  3. I trimmed my toe hair.
  4. ?
  5. Nikki doesn't miss a chamce
  6. ?
  7. A chance to comment on threads that don't make sense
  8. Ok lusty no comment
  9. Beware the ides of March.
  10. Waiting for this guy to show up?

  11. In b4 drama
  12. Wrong thread :lol:
  13. He won't