
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Ditzy, Apr 14, 2016.

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  1. I don't want any hate, it's just an idea that I hope pimd puts into consideration.

    First idea; a 3mcs should not be allowed to hit someone that is below 1mcs, I mean they have the advantage there's no way the weaker one could even attack without getting stamped all over, I think when battling it should be no more than a maximum of 100kcs difference between players, that makes it a fair battle.

    2nd you should be able to block someone who, basically preys on you as farming is concerned by all means if you want a battle with someone crack on but when they're being unfair, it doesn't make battles fun.

    Also have a nice day/night guys
  2. Wars wouldn't be fun that way.
  3. 1st Who cares ? Nobody farms anyone without any reason.

    2nd So what happens if we block everyone during a war ?
  4. No support. You do something to get farmed, you'll abuse the block button. Take it, hit back or uninstall.
  5. LMFAO.

    No forking support.
  6. There's some people that do nothing but keep themselves to themselves on this game, I've met some I am also one of them people. Yet I still get farmed, for stupid reasons like I don't wish to trade with someone or god forbid I'm offline for a week.
  7. You have 154 losses. You haven't been farmed :?

  8. So 33 hits in less then 15 hours by one person..isn't being farmed...okay 

  9. 1.) The limitation on what stat ranges you can hit are fine how they are.

    2.) So you could just block someone who's hitting you to stop their hits? Sorry, but that is one of he dumbest things ever suggested. First of all, as said above, you could just block people in war if they're hitting you. This wouldn't make wars fun, much less the game itself. Second of all, just because you're losing your fake money doesn't mean you need to suggest dumb ideas in order to try and benefit yourself. And third of all, suck it up, buttercup and take the hits. The battle button is there for a reason.️
  10. I see you're all jumping to conclusions here, nobody said anything about wars.
    I'm all for clubs that concentrate on wars or watching people get rallied up for a war.

    What I don't like is the bigger players thinking it's acceptable to pray on players that have no hope in hells chance in fighting back.
  11. Lazy farming I suppose :|
  12. Too many funny things posted in this thread , I won't elaborate just :

  13. I support the first point...but a 100 kcs difference is less...1-1.5mcs difference works well
  14. No, but you're implying when someone hits you then you can block their hits. That's could work for warring as well. You should know this, that is, if you've ever been in a war. This is only an app, hun. There's no need to get riled up just because someone's making you lose your fake money.️
  15. 2 hits per hour makes you cry in forums? Hmmm I wonder how much I could make you cry <3

  16. I love the judgemental people in the world again, I have said nothing about the fake money you're all jumping to conclusions and assuming I care about fake money.
    I care about making things fair nothing less nothing more

    Now if any other trolling people wish to assume something about me, how about you wall me and find out facts first.
  17. Fact is, farming is a part of the game. 33 hits in 15 hours is nothing. Come back when you get 33 hits every half hour for a week and we might feel a little bad for you.
  18. I guess trolling is now considered giving out personal opinions that don't agree with OP's?? My apologies. Looks like you can't only take hits, but also another person's point of view.☹️
  20. The reason you are getting a pretty negative response is because of your second suggestion that blocking someone will block farming. If this happens, it's pretty much taking the battle button away.

    If you go into a game like Call of Duty, for example, you don't complain about being shot. Same as here, the battle button is a part of the game mechanics. Your stats are there also for battling. You have to expect to be hit and to hit back.

    As in every game, there will always be someone stronger who can pick on you. Find a way to fight back or do not provoke someone bigger than you so you can grow.
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