Cahallenge Barcodes

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IllllIIIIIllllIIIIlllIIlIlIlII, Apr 9, 2016.

  1. Ok so codes have been farming many clubs so I challenge gaz and his club mates cf terms are disbanding your club and not attacking any more cc clubs you guys have troubled a lot of people but now it is your end be ready for the inc you noobs :lol:
  2. I bet op is another stateless alt of one of owners of clubs that got crushed
  3. When is this event?
  4. @wrestlemania
  5. Maybe you could spell challenge 1st on your title thread.

    What is the point in making an alt for this tho? I mean... unless you and your ppl changes your names, they would know who you are. So what the point in using an alt now? :roll: :lol:
  6. I miss roni at this point
  7. Barcodes are Bae doe :(
  8. "Cahallenge"
  9. Waiting for inc.... waiting... waiting.... waiting....
  10. ?
  11. Challenge them to a spelling contest.
  12. Challenge*

    Yeah... maybe this would have more weight if you hadn't used an alt.
  13. So lame, challenging the codes and not having the courage to do it with your main.
  14. Me : *looks at nf*

    Me : *cries*
  15. Wow such a scary thread. I wet my pants. Guys please
  18. Lol