Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Arienell, Apr 9, 2016.

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  1. ?ITS OPEN FARM SEASON!!!?

    We are all sick of SCAMMERS. That's a fact I know everyone on this game can agree on. That guy who took your flash drive but never gave you the cats he promised.

    And posting it on WC isn't much help either because nothing hardly ever gets done. Which is why I've created this.




    Each week the name of a well known scammer will be posted for all of PIMD to seek vengeance on.

    That means everyone gets the change to farm said scammer for that entire week!


  2. Open farm him
  3. You dont speak for everyone on pimd. Im not sick of scammers.

    No support.
  4. This is adorable.
  5. This is dope I feel so honored thank you (':
  6. One per week? There's 6 new per day. There's no stopping it.
  7. I kinda like this
  8. Coolguy4567 is the scammer of the week, ripped of countless people
  9. Scamming isn't bad...y'all are butthurt coz you got fooled/outsmarted
    xJawz likes this.
  10. Exactly its part of the game but I don't scam anyways y'all got the wrong person
  11. Scammers are being ranked now...?
  12. Good for you. If it doesn't bother you then it does me and many others.
  13. Boring, too small to even hit :/
    xJawz likes this.
  14. It has to start from somewhere.
  15. How about stop being dumb and be careful when trading?

    Sounds too much? ikr
    xJawz likes this.
  16. Scammer yourself wow ??
    xJawz likes this.
  17. ^ bouta scam you ?
  18. You already did :cry:
  19. This thread is a bad idea because you could falsely accuse someone which is against the TOU. Scamming isn't against TOU and ATA sees these transactions as agreements between players.

    Extortion is against the TOU so farming someone for ec items like cats could get you in trouble as well.

    So, it could be taken as encouraging players to break TOU if you have them farm a scammer for ec items.

    Scamming is unfortunate but again, it isn't a violation. So the best you can do is raise awareness on how to avoid being scammed in the first place and to be careful with who you trade.
    xJawz likes this.
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