Whats Better?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iShan_Is_So_Awkward, Apr 9, 2016.

  1. Hey!
    Seeing as I'm bored and all.
    I thought I'd make a small argument on what's better?
    Who prefers... Nike Over Vans?
    He he. I hope to see your choices. :)

    Shan xx
  2. Vans arent what they used to be. Nike have always been overrated.

  3. Well, I do love my Air Max but they don't go with all outfits. sooo Vans ?
  4. Vanssssss
  5. Never heard of Vans but Nike was named after the Greek goddess of victory.
  6. OMG best forum thread ever! <3
  7. Who hasn't havent heard of vans? Vans is like the latest shoe trend. Dayum Daniel doesn't ring a bell?
  8. o_O Explain that to me
  9. Nike owns Jordan so ....
  10. The dayum Daniel trend? The dayum Daniel was originally base off a teenager boy that wore white vans or whatever color due he made several vids of him wearing different color vans so his friend would go around saying dayum Daniel back at it again with dem white vans. If you don't get it for some strange reason you can watch on the Ellen show on YouTube.
  11. Nike. Never liked Vans they uncomfortable asf
  12. Nikes, they're more comfortable for me :?