Well, guys, Im leaving PIMD for a while. It might be a few days or a few weeks, or If all goes wrong, a few months. I've been having some.... Difficulties in real life, and here on the game. I've decided to post This here, because Fan Fiction is my home on PIMD. Since this is my leavin speech, I want to state here a few of my likes and dislikes. Likes: My club Illegally Downloading II. Y'all are awesome. Y'all somehow have found a way to put up with me, for all these months I've been here. Micky, Brandon, Anna, and Elena. I love you guys! Micky, we've been friends for a while now, and Your the one who has kept me going. Brandon. Babe, I don't know how you do it, but you put my bad qualities aside, and make me feel like I'm the only one allowed to put "I love You" wall art on your wall ^_^ Elena, we've been through thick and thin. Thanks Anna, I know we've had our differences, but Im glad we were able to put them aside and become friends. Dislikes: Lord_Kuching, I put up with you, but I don't think I'll ever be able to think of you as a friend again. You know what you did, and Id rather not insert it on this thread. MudcatTucker. I used to think we were the closest of lose friends, but then you became someone I would never want to be friends with. After all that has happened, I just don't think we can re-kindle our friendship. To the club who falsely farmed me, for something I did not do. I said it was ok, but it wasn't. Life Lesson for you: Think before you act. EpiclyIsaac. You are full of yourself. So you wanted meto get what I deserved, but was the thread necessary?! GOLDENJOCK. There are just so many things about you that annoy me, That Id rather not post all of them here. Well, If you took the time to read that, thanks ^_^ If you were offended by any of this, my deepest apologies go Out to you. I just had to get some of this off my chest... Like I said Im leaving because of things here on PIMD and sone real life issues. Goodbye Guys ]£$$
Farewell jess5509. I never believed you as my friend. I always thought that inside you hated me from the moment I joined ID. I wish we coulda been friends but I never believed you actually liked me. Too many mean comments to believe you. Best of luck to you.
But Jess you can't leaveplease? Ugh I know it's hard and all and i wanna help -sigh- i guess you have to do what you have to do. Good Luck. I hope everything works out and remember my advice, ok? I love you girlieyour my best friend here