Introduce Yourself 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by KeKe-KiLling_You_4_Fun, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. I'll be your friends gurl ??
  2. Hahhaha Dap I didn't think you'd say it ?
  3. The names Joker, ive been playin since a time long forgotten..
    Not many know me and those that do know of my terror but are glad to know me..
    I lurk a lot so dont expect me to come out my hiding spot much.
    I hate fake farmers like those of the old club Bad joke.
    I love chicken nugget and chocolate shake rp?

  4. All righty. Let's do this.

    "I am Loki of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose."

    Oh, all right. My real name is Kevin and I am a fan of Loki(dork alert). I am currently taking my Associates for Graphic Design and I'm a gamer on my free time. Served 3 1/2 years in the Army, messed up my back, and now sit in a Shack as a Security Officer. Other than that, I like making people laugh; it's the greatest feeling in the world for me. And I like Tacos. ️

    P.S. You all rock! ?
  5. Hi am Bear ??
    I'm 19 years old and live in an apartment with mah gammon Asian, my two Squirrel Gliders (basically a bigger version of a Sugar Glider, so many people ask okay ?) and my stupid af Lorikeet ?
    My hobbies (when I'm not enslaved to PIMD) include drawing, and reading Transformers fan fiction ?
    Starscream is Bae, serenade me those sweet robotic molasses ?
    I enjoy comics (Mad Love, Injustice: Gods Among Us, The Killing Joke and Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe are my favourites ?) and tragic romance novels ?
    What else ? I have leg tattoos, snake bites and pretty much live off milk and chicken 
    I have been playing PIMD for 4 months (still a nub) my PIMD besties are HarleyQuinnKitty and Dapperfox 
  6. Be my friend please
  7. Yes I have stolen her account by the way ?? sorry Dap 
  8. ??Lovely people on pimd ?
  9.  I'm Jess, I go by Jay or whatever nickname I'm given.
    EX: Jasper, J, Pendeja ?

    I'm an artist, singer and I write stories and stuff. I've played this game since February 2012 and I've had many accounts, this acc is the one I've had for the longest and it's the biggest.

    Um. I felt like this was an intervention sort of thing and was so tempted to be like: oh hello I'm jess and I'm an alcoholic ?
  10. Hi I'm Joseline Hernandez.. been playing this since 2012 in my spare time when I'm not stripping and showing my wack rap skills
  11. Hello I'm a new player of PIMD this is supposed to be my 13th post so.. Yeah I hate homos and I'm a homophobic that's what I want to share
  12. Poke.
  13. My real name is Teddy :) The things I love to do is workout, play video games, draw, sleep. Food is bæ. Started perming at...a club i dont remember, it was a long time ago lol. But then I permed at Megadeth, then The Legion. And now I'm sort of a full time merc. Still looking for a home club though, maybe. Would love to have new friends :D
  14. Helo I'm rubbish boy.I am the one who collects ur rubbish everyday.Remember to REDUCE,REUSE,RECYCLE.I'm kind.
  15. Nobody else wants to introduce their self? ?
  16. No introduction necessary.
  17. Hello, my name is Abigail but people on here call me "Abby." I used to play this game on another account but I reset and deleted a while ago - I recently come back. So if you think you know me, go ahead and follow?
    I'm a very competitive person and enjoy any form of competition (it being sports or anything else), I also sing and I love laughing/attempting to make people laugh. People also tend to say I'm "chill"
  18. 
  19. I liek noot noot rp