Introduce Yourself 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by KeKe-KiLling_You_4_Fun, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. Yeah because Yani loves me. I'll marry you too big boii
  2. I'm Bubble.
    Most animals hate me and I dunno why?? I love llamas but not more than food because food is basically my life?? I also love dogs but for some reason they chase me and try to attack me :lol: at least that's the only exercise I do, right?
    I like to play most wind and string instruments such as clarinet, flute, cello, violin etc...I love listening to Birdy, and basically every song that has a beautiful meaning ?Christmas songs are stuck in my mind atm so :lol:
    I'm currently at Uni studying to get a teacher bachelor but have a side job when I'm not studying?? wait this was kinda long...oh well 
  3. Hello, my name is Chloe. I'm really into pizza, donuts, dogs and naps.. So if you're into that.. Hello :lol: My hobbies consist of Swimming, dancing, GoT & Gym. :)
  4. Okay,

    Hi my name is Dominique, I am currently studying to be a chef. I have two dogs who I love with all my heart.
    Uh I'm a huge gamer chick my main games are Dragon Age, CoD, Halo, Witcher and Skyrim (oh and also World of Warcraft is Baee)
    I love to read, I'm huge on sports like I play hockey, basketball, football(not American), tennis and I swim.
    My favourite colour is Lilac and any blue honestly.

    Dom out 
  5. Im Rumi. Im new and I play using the acc NylaRodriguez :>
    I like reading and baking.
    And I play piano and draw manga from time to time.
    I hope we all can get along! ▔□▔)/▔□▔)/▔□▔)/
    (Also, please volley meeee~)
  6. And all 50 shades of jim
  7. How could I forget all 50 shades of Jim!
  8. Maybe I'll introduce myself

    Hi my names Jim, but they call me trex, I can clap.

    My hobbies include engineering, riding(bikes and sometimes quads) rebuilding bikes and cars etc and playing piano when I can

    Oh I can be a huge Prick too.

    Fave colour = red, music anything that has meaning and/or has a good instrumental Rhythm Especially e-guitar

    Not sure what else to add.
  9. What happened to 60 shades of Dom? #support on being a prick 
  10. #prickLYF

    60? I can't count that many. I can do 50?
  11. #actuallyisabigolteddy
    Okay 50 will do
  12. Hey this Arefin .. 24 m to play guitar and music ..
  13. Hi I don't have hobbies
  14. Hi. I'm old. I watch TV and feed my cats.
  15. Hi! I'm Rue. ?

    I am not Rue from The Hunger Games. 

    I've been playing PIMD for a long time. Close to 4-5 years on various accounts. I'm extremely shy and probably seem a little rude because of it but then I become super outgoing and slightly obnoxious when I get to know you. I promise that I try my hardest to be friendly. ?

    I like tacos and love my dog, Remy. 

    I enjoy drawing, reading, watching anime, playing video games and doing random crafts.

    Here are pics of some of my latest clay projects. 

  16. Let me have him
  17. everyone is shy on here lmaooo

  19. We can share. ?
  20. Hi my names kat and im 4'7 and a girl 
    I need friends too haha