Looking for a new pupil

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Sanguine, Mar 29, 2016.

  1. WC isnt working so hello forum people.

    My pups inactive and I'd like an active pup who talks to me. I'm only a tiny itty bitty slightly over priced but I'm worth it trust me. I'm very active and upgrade whenever I get 300b. I can rp in tc if you're into that kinda thing but only Sponge Bob rp. And I mean my name's a plus if you collect tuts with name's like that.

    Please consider hiring me or tell someone who's looking for a new tut that you know! Thankssssssss xoxo
  2. Pls hire my 285B tut and I'll consider hiring you.?
  3. Oh Jesus not yew again :cry:
  4. O ouch. :( Please love me. And hire my tut. :)
  5. No :|
  6. No hire for you from me.? But I will ask around to help get you a new pupil.
  7. I love you so much
  8. Dont bump k ty
  9. Happy to hire after war if you like
  10. I'm sorry mom
  11. Yes please!  omg
  12. Okay. Still 24 hours away lol.
  13. No complaints.

    Now hire me? :)
  14. Thank you. :,) <3
  15. Upgrading is such a pain but I'll do it if you want.
    probably not
    If you hire me.
  16. Leave. Bye.
  18. I need a new pup as well