Netflix and relax LOL. Honestly, Netflix is starting to suck. :| Every blue moon I can find a good movie/show, but otherwise, it's just junk.
Name~Alice Hobbies: Working out Reading Writing Short Stories Playing the Piano (And secretly eating bamboo)
Hey... I'm not THAT old. Oh, I also watch a ton of Anime. Though I think many of you knew that already from any of the anime threads that pop up here.
My name is *banned from pimd* my hobbies are against you. In my past life way back when I proposed to pimd, due to a major misunderstanding I *confession that could get me banned* hopefully the devs are over that by now if they know what I'm talking about. PS isn't there one of these already? From like 2011
:? I don't really watch much TV shows or movies really. However, i remember my friends mentioning the flash to me.
My names jasmine I love coffee and nutella doughnuts. my hobbies are napping music and going to bingo with the old ladies and gents