--Growth guide 0 to 1mcs-- If you are reading this and haven't completed the tutorial then stop reading and go finish it. If your tutorial is done then congrats you're ready to grow. Use all the energy you have to complete jobs. These jobs will drop doctors notes and extra credits. (DN's and ec for short) DN's can be used to regenerate (regen) your energy allowing you to hit more. Do the jobs until you have gotten 1ec, use that ec to buy a speaker from the store. Speakers are needed to speak in campus, once you get to a certain kcs you will get 5 free speakers a day. CS means combined stats, kcs is combined stats in the thousands, mcs is combined stats in the millions. Use that speaker you bought to ask for a volley in campus. Get volleyed to 1B (billion). After the volley you will have enough money to reach 5kcs. To get this, open 10 dorms, you should have 12 total open after that. Fill those dorms with juiced up jocks and computer hackers, 6 of each all leveled up to 4. Once completed, congrats you have reached 5kcs, use your excess cash to buy tutors (tuts), they will provide various advantages. Focus on max plunder right now, this allows you to earn the maximum amount of cash from parties. Parties are done by joining a club and attacking on the party. Guidance Alliance is a club focused on helping new players, so try applying there first. To find your max plunder TB (tut bonus) take your kcs and multiply them by 15,000. Your kcs is on your profile it is not the amount of energy you have. Click on your avatar (avi) and it will take you to your profile. The strength and intelligence you see are you cs. (2,544/2,544 = 5kcs you should be at this.) Once in a club and partying your next step is to open more dorm rooms, you need to get to 18 total opened, fill these just like you have filled your first 12. This is where you decide what build you want, hybrid (even stats) strength build or Intel build. Keep in mind as your stats increase your max TB will also increase, always make sure you have max TB. After you have those 18 dorms open and filled you will slowly start replacing those roommates with the next tier of roommates. 16M roommates is what you should be changing to. Once those 18 dorms are completely changed and you have max TB open 4 more dorms. The dorms after dorm 22 start getting really expensive so roommates will be your main concern here on out. Now you have 22 dorms to change roommates in, you will want to go for the 600M roommates now. Max them to level 4. Here's where you decide if you want to go straight to T7 (80B roommates) or T5 (10B roommates) most say 10B is a waste. Bella goes straight for T7, Hunt goes T5 for about half the dorms then to T7. The T7s will give you 200kcs per person once you get the first one making money is super easy allowing you to get the next T7 fast! If you can hold out and completely skip T5 and T6, then do it. Once you have 2 T7s then congrats, you have reached 1mcs in record time! If you have any further questions or need any help you can find us in the game. Bella's game name is lIlIinfinityIlIl and Hunt's game name is xHuntress. If you have the minimum kcs to join our club then go for it, we would love to have you.
This is so so Helpful! Thank You Bella And Hunt for the Great Information! I'm so Thankful for friends like you!
I say opt 4 to 6 T6 full fight, rather than goin for T5 or T7 at first. T6 lvl1 have better party plunder than T5 and T7. And it will be easier to make 80b with those T6. Anyways Nice guide
I give the content a B-, because some of the info needs correcting/rewording or could have been expanded upon, but the execution gets an F. Ex 1: You can't max your TB. However, you can max your plunder. Ex 2: