Nicki Minaj or Iggy Azalea ?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MisterWorldWide, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. They both some ass speaking of ass iggy doesnt have one and nikkis is just soggy
  2. They good but as someone already's more hip-hop then rap. :-\

    Neither ;-)
  3. I'm dying over here :-D Damn it
  4. I bet Adele could rap better than either of those plastic barbies :)
  5. Nicki minaj allday??But remy ma is the best female rapper of all time to me?
  6. OK, Kanye West.?
  7. ^ support Kanye or jay z for best female rapper
  8. Very true
  9. I meant to quote her ↑ not the other one.
  10. if adele rap  that would be nice
  11. Iggy Can't Rap ? Niether Can Nicki ? I Pick Lil Kim
  12. what if adele's raf ?