How long do you sit on the toilet for

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -IN-ACTIVE-JOPO-, Mar 15, 2016.

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  1. And you Rude of all people. A pillar of the pimd community endulging us all in your personal toilet habits Nasty Nasty so off putting.
  2. Rude said like 6 words... if this thread bothers you so much, maybe you should stop opening it?
  3. People don't respect me because I laugh? ?

    1+1=starfish?¿ logic pls
  4. Exactly! 
  5. I was done about 5 mins ago.
  6. You know you've got an issue when you read this thread and realise your on the toilet.... ¤_¤
  7. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ this depends on if I have my phone with me or not.. But usually 5mins ?
  8. -_-_-kitty-_-_- = crystal carebears alt.So easy to spot. Chirp Chirp Chirp Chirp. Whose that twittering?? There it is it's dankmeme slobbering up with his fits of false laughter to every idiot comment.
  9. There's Quartz putting in his two cents to try and become relevant ?
  10. I am nobodies alt thank you very much. I am my own individual person :)

    Edit:i just reread this and it sounds like something an alt would say but i swear im not lol
  11. Im very relevant look at my over priced tag. That says it all and im female.
  12. Kitty is crystalCarebear's alt.
  13. You're barely op ?
    And you don't seem female to me, soz not soz.
  14. 1hr while legs fall asleep n I'm farming
  15. My only current alt, that I'm not locked out of, is -Crystal- :)
  16. You're not OP either. :(
  17. Im deffinantly over priced and a few weeks ago i was 482b but i went inactive so was dropped. Then i returned and my price went from 67b to 275b.and dankmemes is crystalCarebears alt but just pretends to be male on it. And i spoke to meganndzz in voice call on 3rd party app. when she returns she will tell you that im female.
  18. LOL WUT. DankMemes is a girl though. So do you think everyone is my alt?
  19. I mostly have my boy avator up. Only cause it has the better stats than the female avators i have.That doesnt mean im a male though. And its very suss that crystalcarebear and msHarmony24 and dankmeme finish off each others sentances and always around on the same time and write under or over each other. Kitty being another alt.
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