How long do you sit on the toilet for

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -IN-ACTIVE-JOPO-, Mar 15, 2016.

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  1. Don't use those wipes they're not good for the sewage system :(

    More useless facts later! :)
  2. 30mins with mobile

    7mins without mobile
  3. Usually take a dump, wipe, flush and ready to wash hands in 1-2 minutes.
    Takes longer to tinkle on a fullish bladder.
    And if I gotta shake it off you can add another few seconds.
  4. I sit there for maybe 20 minutes playing on my phone. Maybe longer who knows
  5. Me too?
  6. If I have nowhere to go and my phone is charged, I can sit in the bathroom for hours and not even realize it.
  7. Yup, depends how good forums is
  8. Depends on what I ate
  9. All depends really lol depends if there are people that are needing to use the toilet or what ive eaten, how charged my phone is, depends on forums, messages, line, my other addictive games, wether or not you have the runs or your constipated etc etc etc.......... :D lmao I can't give you an exact time frame as each dump is different lol
  10. 2 minute turds.


    2 hours.
  11. Probs about 10-15mins w/ iPod in my hands.
  12. 30 for me bcs i want to finish slowly :)
  13. I laughed
  14. Get some self respect and dignity writing nastyness how repulsive are you.
  15. Dankmemes you laugh at everything that aint even funny. You need to stop slurping up to people who aint even sayd one thing funny then you might get respected one day.
  16. I mean this is pretty accurate for me as well :-|
  17. I kid you guys not
    This morning + me + forums= 15mins
  18. Youse people are disgusting!! Somethings are better off unknown.Yuck
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