Running, more like sprinting, towards them. I'm gaining, so close. Suddenly I see her, but it's not her. They cheat! All of their illusions that keep me from winning. What do you expect from demons, though. You might wonder if I'm an angel, well...not quite.
It all started early, first day of first grade. We went on a field trip to the lake. {flashback} "Hey Susie, watch this!" I shouted before I did a bellyflop/cannonball/dive. "Aww, I wanna try!" she yelled back. Susie's pencil jump didn't make a splash, probably why I wasn't suprised when she went so deep under I couldn't see her. I waited for her to come up, but only her waterwings did. "Susie!" I screamed. I didn't care what mommy and daddy told me about "blending in", I slipped out of my inflatable ring and kicked to the bottom. That was the first time I saw them.
"Give me a break! I'm sick of hearing this! I love you so much, but you need to stop. You can't succeed!" Ryan exclaimed. I stared at him for a second before calmly saying, "Then I guess I'll die trying." Everyone stared at me until Sarah, my true best friend said "I'd sooner sell my soul to Satan than let you die by his followers hands...I'm in."
I stared at the wall, my hands bound in front of me, my shoes. I stared at anything but her. "Look me in the eye and tell me!" she shreiked, "You know me!" I look up, put a smirk on my face, and respond, "Sorry I don't associate with demons." She looked daggers at me, piercing my soul with her eyes. Slowly she came over to sit in the chair across from me. She whispered through clenched teeth, "You know mortals can't have that much power. Now tell me, what is my name?" "Your name might be Susie, but you are NOT my sister!"
"How are we getting out of here?" I whispered to Ryan as we silently ran down the hall. "Ever heard of shadow doors?" Ryan asked as he shifted the unconcious Susie on his shoulder. "Yes I've heard of them, I also know that angels can't use them." "You're not an angel, Trina."
The shadow looked ominous, like if I tried to use it I wouldn't ever get out. The demons were on our tail, though, so I had to act fast. I stood facing it with my eyes closed, and imagined it leading home. I stepped foward and into my room with Ryan trailing behind. "Well, that was mentally exhausting," I said to lighten the mood. A grinning Ryan responded, "That was amazing! Are you sure that was your first time shadow traveling?" "Yeah, so what are we gonna do with her? I mean we can't just let the demons stay in her mind, can we?" "Don't worry. Susie didn't make a concious choice to follow Satan, the choice was made for her. She'll always be your sister, she's just a little confused right now."
They brought Susie into the sacred church and set her down in front of the cross. After they had stepped over the threshold, she stopped struggling and broke down into tears. Trina kneeled beside her and clasped her hands. As the adopted sisters looked at each other, they both seemed to soften. The aura of Susie changed from it's previous pitch black to a soft grey and finally back to white. Trina's, on the other hand, seemed to glow. Changing from silver to bright, shining gold. Trina had finally chosen her side. You may think this story is over, but it's merely begun...
Outside the church the two sisters stood in an embrace for a split second before fire erupted across Susie's skin. She fell to her knees as the flames consumed her, already too dead to scream. Her ashes lay at Trina's feet, Trina who stood there in shock. She cried out, "Why? She was my sister and my friend. I just got her back! Why was she taken?" She cried into her sister's ashes. Though she would see her sister soon in Heaven, Trina wept for her lost life on Earth. Susie never had the chance to live her own life, her life had been controlled and ended by demons. A life that would not go unavenged!
"You can't seriously be thinking of going up against them!" Susie yelled trying to talk some sense into Trina. "What are they gonna do, kill me?" Trina said with a smile. "Actually, yes. The have dark arrows pointed at all the entrances, and every demon carries dark powder." "Then I'll just have to take my chances." --------------------- "What's all this? Wait, halos? I know what you're doing, setting yourself up for failure!" Ryan screamed at Trina. "Thanks for the encouragement," Trina replied sarcastically. "They'll kill you as soon as they spot you." "Who says they're going to see me?" Trina said waving a box of invisibility cloaks in Ryan's face. "I'm coming with you. I won't let you face this alone." "Neither will I!" exclaimed Sarah, stepping out of the shadows. "Good," said Trina, "because you're our way in."
"So where on Heaven or Earth did you find these?" Ryan whispered. "No where, I'm returning these tonight," replied Trina. "Great I'm wearing demon clothes," muttered Sarah. As the three crept through the "streets", an eerie feeling settled over them all. "I feel like were being watched, but there's no one visible around. Is there?" asked Sarah. "Now that you mention it..." Trina started to say, but was distracted by a rustling to her right. "What was that?" Ryan asked the hysteria building in his voice.
"Wow, I didn't see this happening AGAIN," Trina muttered. "I did!" Ryan and Sarah shouted at the exact same time. "Whatever." Just then a monsterous looking creature entered the room with a bag slung over it's bat-like wing. "Good luck getting away this time!" it screeched. The creature pulled a dagger black with powder out of it's bag. "You probably should know something before you use that," Ryan calmly said. "What?" the creature asked. "There are going to be thousands of angels breaking down your gate while you're here torturing two, and a half." No sooner than he said it, the creature left. "Are you serious?" Trina whispered. "No, now let's hurry," Ryan responded. "Got it, it left this!" Sarah whisper-yelled holding up the dagger she had shaken all the dark powder off of. "Great! Now let's go!" exclaimed Ryan. Trina sat there and stared at them before calmly saying, "No. I'm getting what I came for!"
"Wow, I didn't see this happening AGAIN," Trina muttered. "I did!" Ryan and Sarah shouted at the exact same time. "Whatever." Just then a monsterous looking creature entered the room with a bag slung over it's bat-like wing. "Good luck getting away this time!" it screeched. The creature pulled a dagger black with powder out of it's bag. "You probably should know something before you use that," Ryan calmly said. "What?" the creature asked. "There are going to be thousands of angels breaking down your gate while you're here torturing two, and a half." No sooner than he said it, the creature left. "Are you serious?" Trina whispered. "No, now let's hurry," Ryan responded. "Got it, it left this!" Sarah whisper-yelled holding up the dagger she had shaken all the dark powder off of. "Great! Now let's go!" exclaimed Ryan. Trina sat there and stared at them before calmly saying, "No. I'm getting what I came for!"
The three of them ran silently down the vacant corridors. None knew exactly where they were going, but the presence of evil would be stronger the closer they got. "You know what sucks?" Trina whispered. "What is it this time?" Sarah asked playfully. "Not being able to use telepathy here." Ryan and Trina snickered, while Sarah just sulked. ------- "How hard can it be to kill one of Satan's sons?" Trina thought aloud. "In one word: Very," responded Ryan, emotionlessly. Their entourage stopped, momentarily, to pass out halos. After an instructional speech from Ryan, the group proceeded down to the darkest rooms. Light didn't dare allow a single ray to enter this place. Only the most cruel could survive here for long, hence the Devil's offspring. Suddenly, everyone stopped. "We're here...just in case we don't make it out, though," Ryan whispered before taking Trina into his arms and kissing her, hopefully not, goodbye.
Your updating kind of fast that makes me not want to read I'm sorry but it seems interesting I read the last few sentences of the last chapter