Fan Fiction Problem. Please Read.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *blondie11 (01), Jul 9, 2011.

  1. Hello all! Mostly everyone on Fan Fiction knows me as Alexandra or Blondie. I honestly am having a major problem and I want you all to bear with me, and hear me out.

    Fan Fiction Problem- Since the PIMD world is kinda blah lately, Fan Fiction is the only place I can come to where I see people I like, and I'm able to read amazing stories. I decided a few months back that I wanted to write stories based on true events/people in my life (most of my stories have hints about me and my life in it that people don't notice). Honestly, Fan Fiction was my only place I could go to that there were no annoying people, terrible grammar/puncuation, rude people, and what some people call "noobs". Now, all I see is certain people making five-ten different stories, or even people making multiple threads having nothing to do with Fan Fic.

    You all know I am a nice, great, positive person, but I am almost to the point to go on a full on rage. I really want to be honest now:

    • Chapters or "Updates" are not supposed to be two sentences! It's all about the details... DETAILS!!!
    • When you write numbers 0-10 they are "supposed" to be spelt out for ex: one, two three. Not 1,2,3 (common English writing rule that I was taught)
    • If you know your story is stupid, don't post it and waste space.
    • PLEASE attempt to spell words right! Yes I know we all have accent and spell words different, but please, don't mess up every single word.
    • Get your facts straight. Ex: I am standing in The Alamo in the state of New York. (The Alamo is in Texas not New York)
    • Make a good plot, and don't give up on your story. Trust me, been there done that. If you notice your story is dumb, quit it and let it "die".

    I could go on forever with helpful tips, but you all would stop reading. My biggest tip is to not make multiple, stupid stories. "Da dog ran up tree" is not a good way to start a story. If you know your story will not get comments, DO NOT POST IT!!!

    Which leaves me to comments. Please guys, all of us authors want "critique" not "" or "" at least give the author a reason to why you feel like that.

    I know Forums have absolutely gone into a dark place. If Fan Fic keeps heading downhill, I'm done. I will be leaving shortly after if Fan Fic turns into a stupid place. I thank you all for reading this, and I hope some of the people who I called out (You know who you are) stop what they are doing and actually TRY to write decent. Thank you all, and goodbye.
  2. Also, I would have called out every person I'm talking about, but I would have gotten silenced for starting an argument or harassment haha. I apoligize to anyone that I have offended but YOU know what I'm saying is 100% true. If you disagree please state your opinion down below... Trust me I won't mind one bit, I love friendly debates. Also, if any of you have a problem with my writing, please say your opinion down below. Thank you and goodbye 
  3. I love this thread, it gives great tips for all writers and says what not to do, this should have been happening a long time agohigh 5!
  4. *sigh* thank you very much  I would have written it loooong ago, but I've been on vacation haha. Also, I will add tips throughout this thread. Let's keep this alive for the newbies to get helpful tips  its all up to you guys now.
  5. Very nice. I totally agree. Something that bugs be is when people have random conversations on your story thread.
  6. But if it IS good and if it is multiple threads, why not post it? Tried all my oneshots, they were pretty good.
  7. :) Ill have to stop posting then.
  8. Lol Finally!! What I've been trying to say has finally been said!! Lol I made a thread about this issue, but it was pushed to the second page by all the useless threads 

    Rofl 

  9. This is all useful, but I don't think stopping if you think your story is bad is a good advice...

    Good writers start from being crappy writers. I say continue your story and try to finish it. Don't over-think. You can correct the mistakes after you finish it.

    Just like the nanowrimo! The purpose is to write and write and write. Because whatever you write will start off crappy, but you can make it better by editing after you're done writing

    Although, a reason to actually stop, I agree, is if you don't have a concrete plot (ie: da dog ran up a tree).

    This is a helpful thread! It should be read by other fanfic writers! 
  10. I think another good thing to add would be to not have 4-6 stories going on at once. I mean one or two is fine but that many stories is just taking up space. I think this thread is great though, very informative to people who are still new in fanfic
  11. @Alexandra Morgan: I didn't mean it in a rude way, sorry  I meant it in the way you said later on, like if you don't have a good plot. All authors usually start off crappy. For example: my first story I ever wrote in school was about a monkey with three heads climbing a volcano  and now im a pretty decent writer.... So never give up.

    Also I agree with Luv2Rok, that many stories is really taking up space for peoples good stories. I remember when I was writing "Immortality" half of the time it was on the second page. The reason why was because some people had four-ten stories. Half of the top stories weren't even that great (no offense) they were just being kept alive by people who wanted to be nice and say "good job! "... That's why I like it when people are honest in my story threads  tell me a chapter is crappy and I would love you forever for being honest haha!
  12. Sometimes threads like this can also push others hardworking stories down. No offense.
  13. Yea but it helps the new fan fictioners... Also I doubt there is even ten good stories to fill up the first page. Right now I see around ummm five or six, and my story is on the second page haha  So until there is ten amazing stories, I don't see why this thread should die 
  14. Because it has nithin to do with fanfics themselves
  15. Erm... If you read the thread it does. It gives helpful hints on how to write a fan fic, and also what you shouldn't do. If you guys hate it so much let it die  im fine with that because I will not bump my old threads inless it is a story of mine. I'm just saying, half the stories are crappy and Fan Fic is turning into a dumb story place. I like reading GREAT stories and I only see a few on the first page. Let this die if it is ruining Fan Fiction soooo much ok?
  16. Lol jk
    Really i support this thread because it's true  it,love it,love it!
  17. I agree!!! (to blondie) this should be read by fanfic writers until the first pages r filled with decent stories :D

    Blondie, my first ever story was on this fanfic book I wrote with my bestie and it's pretty much made up of cliches and cheesy lines lol :D (ps, I'm reading immortality, Bree recommended it heheh)
  18. Yeah, but now ppl dnt read my Fanfic and they dnt post co mets and it's now in the 4 page! . So dnt complain about the stories. They're trying to make progress!