IRISH SPRING BREAK DROPS Sapphire: Fake Art - 90 Blue Plate Special Counter Culture-96 Art Starzzz-176 Just Dance Sky High Topaz: Wait-Listed Factory Art-160 First world problems No Hand Breaks Back ally debut-216 Fitspiration-192 Amethyst: DIY Tattoo Luxury Limo-270 Noodle Express Pro-469
Same list as valentine's day hunt Sapphire ☆ Fake Art 101 (90) ☆ Art Starz (180) ☆ Prank Primer (54) ☆ Restless Keg Syndrome (124) ▪ Afternoon Delight (164) ☆ Just Dance (232) ▪ Draw Manga (120) ☆ Cosplay Please (216) ☆ Blue Plate Special (168) AMETHYST ☆ DIY Tattoo (180) ▪ Hype Machine (200) ▪ Frisbee Follies (71) ▪ Brostep (212) ▪ Cabana Cool (216) ☆ Limo Luxury (280) ▪ Noodle Express (132) ▪ Anime Expo (288) ▪ Dumpster Dive (164) ▪ Arcade Misfire (192) TOPAZ ☆ Factory Art (160) ☆ Back Alley Debut (216) ▪ All Roads Lead To Beer (90) ▪ Fitspiration ☆ Wait Listed (216) ▪ Skyhigh (304) ▪ JPOP (200) ▪ Big in Japan (312) ☆ No Hand Brakes (120) ☆ First World Problems (236) Some of the drop rates may be off. This is based off of the valentine's day hunt, and half of these parties have been confirmed (those with ☆ in front)
Here's the full list of regular and pro parties and possible drop rates. Kini drops: Max of 90 for all three Cat drops: Max of 180 for all three Regular Drops Drops Sapphire Clover Prank Primer (54) Fake Art 101 (90) Counter Culture (96) Draw Manga (120) RKS (124) Afternoon Delight (163) Blue Plate Special (168) Art Starzzz (180) Cosplay Please (216) Just Dance (232) Drops Topaz Clover Frisbee Follies (72) Noodle Express (132) Dumpster Dive (164) DIY Tattoo (180) Arcade Misfire (192) Hype Machine (200) Brostep (212) Cabana Cool (216) Limo Luxury (288) Anime Expo (288) Drops Amethyst Clover ARLTB (90) No Hand Brakes (120) Factory Art (160) Fitspirtation (192) J Pop (200) Back Alley Debut (216) Waitlisted (216) First World Problems (236) Skyhigh (304) BIJ (310) Pro Drops Drops Sapphire Clover Draw Manga (273) Cosplay Please (325) Fake Art 101 (325) Counter Culture (396) Just Dance (403) Art Starzzz (435) Afternoon Delight (435) BPS (461) Drops Topaz Clover Anime Expo (403) DIY (429) Dumpster Dive (429) Noodle Express (432) Cabana Cool (435) Limo Luxury (435) Arcade Misfire (461) Hype Machine (461) Drops Amethyst Clover BIJ (325) NHB (377) Skyhigh (377) Back Alley Debut (396) FWP (435) Waitlisted (435) Factory Art (461) J Pop (468)
Same list as valentine's day hunt Sapphire ☆ Fake Art 101 (90) ☆ Art Starz (180) ☆ Prank Primer (54) ☆ Restless Keg Syndrome (124) ▪ Afternoon Delight (164) ☆ Just Dance (232) ▪ Draw Manga (120) ☆ Cosplay Please (216) ☆ Blue Plate Special (168) AMETHYST ☆ DIY Tattoo (180) ▪ Hype Machine (200) ▪ Frisbee Follies (71) ▪ Brostep (212) ▪ Cabana Cool (216) ☆ Limo Luxury (280) ▪ Noodle Express (132) ▪ Anime Expo (288) ☆ Dumpster Dive (164) ☆ Arcade Misfire (192) ☆ Noodle Express Pro (469) TOPAZ ☆ Factory Art (160) ☆ Back Alley Debut (216) ▪ All Roads Lead To Beer (90) ▪ Fitspiration ☆ Wait Listed (216) ▪ Skyhigh (304) ▪ JPOP (200) ▪ Big in Japan (312) ☆ No Hand Brakes (120) ☆ First World Problems (236) Some of the drop rates may be off. This is based off of the valentine's day hunt, and half of these parties have been confirmed (those with ☆ in front)
Switched up the Topaz and Amethyst parties but all seem to match up. And it makes sense from a programming perspective to keep them the same.
Since all parties found fits same max/pattern as love letters. Here is my compiled list from that hunt Amethyst Frisbee follies 72 Noodle Express 126 Dumpster Dive 167 DIY Tattoo 180 Arcade (Mis)fire 192 Hype Machine 200 brostep 212 Cabana Cool 216 Limo Luxury 288 Anime Expo 288 Anime Expo (PRO) 403 Dumpster Dive (PRO) 429 DIY Tattoo (pro) 429 Noodle Express (Pro) 432 Cabana Cool (PRO) 435 Limo Luxury (pro) 435 Hype Machine (PRO) 461 Arcade (Mis)fire (pro) 486 Sapphire prank primer 54 Fake Art 101 90 Counter Culture 96 Draw Manga 120 rks 124 Afternoon Delight 163 Blue Plate Special 168 Art Starzzz 180 Cosplay Please 216 Just Dance 232 Draw Manga (PRO) 273 Fake Art 101 (pro) 325 Cosplay Please (PRO) 325 Counter Culture (PRO) 396 Just Dance (PRO) 403 Art Starzzz (pro) 435 Afternoon Delight (PRO) 435 Blue Plate Special (PRO) 461 Topaz all roads lead to beer 90 No hands brakes 120 Factory Art 160 fitspiration 192 Enjoi J-POP 200 Back Alley Debut 216 Waitlisted 216 First World Problems 236 Skyhigh Party 304 Big In Japan 318 Big In Japan (PRO) 325 Skyhigh Party (PRO) 377 No hands brakes (pro) 377 Back Alley Debut (PRO) 396 Waitlisted (PRO) 435 Factory Art (PRO) 461 Enjoi J-POP (PRO) 468
i'm aking a list of the actual confirmed drops with club names. all of these "possible" lists based on other hunts can be and are rather confusing
Drops will be occurring at 20:00 GMT/12pm PST/2pm CST/3pm EST from now on per Emails from Support Here is a thread for time conversion if you're not sure about timezones! Here is a thread for the full hunt breakdown Party Hunt List Regular Parties Cat Cafe drops max of 180 for all 3 clover types (confirmed by IT) Pizza Pop (Art) drops max of 90 for all 3 clover types (confirmed by Excelsior) Sapphire Drops Fake Art 101 (90): The Legion Counter Culture (96): LWL Restless Keg Syndrome (121): Project Mayhem Blue Plate Special (168): deepest darkest parts of oz Art Starzzz (180): Syn Just Dance! (232): Psychotic Thoughts Amethyst Drops DIY Tattoo (163): Guidance Alliance Dumpster Dive(194): Cypher Reborn Arcade (Mis)fire (192): Hellz Guardians Cabana Cool (216): splash of ink Limo Luxury (288): MCMXCV II Topaz Drops No Hand Breaks! (120): JustSmile Factory Art (160): silent warriors Fitspiration (192): LUNATIX Back Alley Debut (216): The Dock First World Problems (236): Cupcake Spot Pro Parties Sapphire Drops Amethyst Drops Noodle Express (PRO) (469): Corrupted Assassins Topaz Drops Being Checked Parties Which Needs To Be Checked All Roads Lead To Beer Anime Expo Big In Japan Enjoi J-POP Frisbee Follies Hype Machine Prank Primer Wait-Listed Noodle Express IT'S BROSTEP, BRAH! Skyhigh Party Draw Manga Cosplay Please Afternoon Delight Anime Expo (PRO) Arcade (Mis)fire (PRO) Big In Japan (PRO) Blue Plate Special (PRO) Cabana Cool (PRO) Cosplay Please (PRO) Counter Culture (PRO) DIY Tattoo (PRO) Factory Art (PRO) First World Problems (PRO) No Hand Breaks! (PRO) Skyhigh Party (PRO) Wait-Listed (PRO) Limo Luxury (PRO) Just Dance! (PRO) Enjoi J-POP (PRO) Dumpster Dive (PRO) Back Alley Debut (PRO) Hype Machine (PRO) Draw Manga (PRO) Art Starzzz (PRO) Afternoon Delight (PRO) Fake Art 101 (PRO)