The Test.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *-Jodiiee- (01), Jun 19, 2011.

  1. Uh oh. A split up.
  2. Not good in most storys.
  3. Phoebe was left alone in the room above the bakery. She looked at her packed bags and decided it was time to start making her way to Pesalah.

    As she was leaving, Lance appeared next to the door.
    "Leaving so soon?" he asked.
    "Yeah, It's a long journey.." she replied.
    "It's also a dangerous one at that." he said, shooting her a glance. "And you're going alone?"
    Phoebe nodded.
    "What about that friend of yours?" he asked.
    "Oh, Neeka..I'll probably meet her there or something." said Phoebe. "Anyway, thanks for letting us stay. It was lovely.."
    "Anytime." smiled Lance. "Good luck on your journey."

    Phoebe smiled and walked off. Just as she was ending the road that the bakery was on, she heard Lance shouting in the distance.
    "Y'know, maybe I should come?" he shouted.
    Phoebe stood there looking confused.
    She saw him lock up the bakery and leave a note. Then he walked towards.
    "What are you doing?" she laughed.
    He smiled. "I'm being a good friend.. I'm not letting you go alone. I've been to Pesalah before..And It's not a nice area at all. If guards see you roaming about they'll capture and torture you in no time."
    Phoebe looked shocked, and continued staring at him.
    Lance kept talking. "Now I assume you have a map to take you there?"
    Phoebe snapped out of it and nodded slowly.
    "How did you know?"
    He laughed. "Everyone uses some kind of map to get to Pesalah. The streets over there are confusing. Lucky enough for us, I know a few short cuts, it'll take us half the journey." he grinned.
    Phoebe looked at him cautiously, but her eyes were filled with hope and love.
    "I've.. I've been told to stick to this map.." she said.
    "But weren't you told to stick together as well?" he winked at her.
    She questioned herself for a second, and what he was saying made perfect sense.
    "Yeah.. You're right." she said smiling.

    The two walked off down the road, talking together. Phoebe was overwhelmed that she had found a guy that cared so much about her. That he would just close down his business for a few days and come on a highly risky journey, just to keep her safe. Another part of Phoebe however, was worried for Neeka. She was worried if Neeka would get to the fortune teller safely, and if she'd be ok that she had let Lance join them in their task.
  4. Dang Phoebe is an idiot
  5. - Omqee Moree Pleaseee .
  6. Why do I have a feeling that lance is a vas guy.
  7. Omg major spellcheck fail meant vas
  8. Triple fail? 

    And I don't know. 
  9. After another familiar, tiring trek, Neeka had finally arrived at the fortune tellers shabby tent.
    She managed to drag herself into the tent and prop herself up on a chair.
    "Ahh, welcome back, Neeka." smiled the fortune teller. She still looked the same, and had the same cinnamon smell lingering on her clothes.
    "Tell me what TEST stands for!" demanded Neeka.
    "Ah, so you've had the dream then?" the fortune teller said, her eyes becoming wide.
    Neeka gave her an evil stare. "Please just tell me. I don't have the time.."

    The fortune teller pulled her chair up to the table so that she was directly opposite Neeka. She looked directly into Neeka's eyes.
    "T, means to teach.." she said in a hushed voice.
    "E, means to enforce.."
    "S, means to sacrifice.."
    "T, means to triumph.."

    Neeka kept her eyes latched onto the fortune tellers, mumbling the words.
    "Teach? Enforce? I don't understand.." she cried.
    "Think, my dear. Who taught you?" she smiled.
    "Kai and Thyra.." replied Neeka, confused.
    "Correct. Who's enforcing your teachings?"
    "Me and Phoebe.." replied Neeka. A look of realisation crossed her mind. She was starting to understand things more clearer.
    "We haven't had to sacrifice anything yet though.. Neither have we triumphed in anything." said Neeka slowly.
    "That is indeed, true. But you'll discover how the next two meanings all fall together.." replied the fortune teller.
    "Can you not just tell me?" asked Neeka.
    She shook her head. "I've told you once, and I'll tell you again. I don't like to interfere.."
    Neeka cut her sentence off. "No. Last time you said you don't interfere with death."
    The woman fell silent and kept her eyes locked on Neeka's.
    Neeka also fell silent, a sickening feeling formed in her stomach.

    Although the fortune teller hadn't spoken, she had told a story just by her actions.
    After an intense silence, Neeka asked, "..Well then, is there ANYTHING you can tell me? Some kinda help? Hint? Direction? Anything.." she pleaded.
    The woman stared at Neeka, her eyes were slightly glazed, as if she was tearing up.
    "Just remember to stick together.. You and Phoebe will need each other.." she whispered.

    Neeka tore her eyes away from the fortune tellers gaze and jumped up.
    "Phoebe!" she mumbled, gathering her things together. "I have to go.. Thanks for your help.. Will I see you in the future?" she asked, standing outside.
    The woman just smiled. "Just go my dear. Phoebe needs you, and you need her."
    Neeka realised her question hadn't been answered. Inside her tummy made a sickly knot again.

    She smiled at the fortune teller and walked off. She had to now make her way back to Jera and down to Pesalah. There was no time to loose.
  10. Really good update and yea my phone sucks. I was trying to say bad,
  11. - Awhsomee Omqee ii Love It .
  12. Something bout kolko pleeeeaseeee
  13. Phoebe and Lance had made their successful journey to Pesalah, without Neeka. Lance was right, the streets of Pesalah were rough, horrible infact. There were kids with no shoes on, their feet scuffed and ruined. Flesh getting picked at. The smell was awful, people's waste lingering in the air. People always seemed so mad and angry when they passed by.

    Lance and Phoebe stayed close together whilst walking the streets, trying to not look so suspicious. Their shoulders were touching, but only until a mysterious figure barged past Phoebe, hard. He had a hat on, and a large trench coat. She quickly turned her head to see if she could see the mans face. He looked around and locked eyes with Phoebe for a second, then glanced away.
    "OI. Mate. Watch where you're going yeah?" shouted Lance.
    The man gave Phoebe another piercing stare, flickered his eyes towards Lance then pulled his hat over his eyes and continued on walking.
    "Come on.." said Lance, making sure she was ok.

    As they continued on walking, Phoebe tried to think who the mysterious man was. She had sworn it was Koldo but wasn't too quick to make judgment. She pictured herself looking into his eyes. If it was Koldo, he had a look of hatred deep in his eyes. Like he wanted something, and nothing was going to get in his way.
  14. - Moree Itss Gettin Gud Better Than That Man Awhsome.
  15. MOAR!!!! NOW WOMAN!!!!!
  16. Neeka wasn't long behind Phoebe and Lance. She had yet to find them though. She trudged along the city of Pesalah, keeping her eyes wondering to a minimum, and kept her hands deep in her pockets. She felt hot and agitated because of the small children staring at her with pleading eyes. She daren't look at the parents incase they made her into some kind of slave.

    She continued on walking down a few more streets, when suddenly a man barged past her, the same man that knocked into Phoebe. He grabbed a hold of Neeka's arm tightly and pulled her into the corner of an allyway.
    Neeka wasn't fooled. She moved fast, and viciously. She was pushed up against the wall, yet she managed to slice one of the attackers arms.
    "Show yourself!" she demanded as she struggled free.
    The mysterious figure looked defeated, as if his plan of hurting her had failed. He swiped off his hat and revealed himself. It was Koldo, again.
    "What the hell are you doing here?" hissed Neeka. "Have you been following me?!"
    Koldo put his hand over her mouth. She had a tight grip over his hands.
    "Shh, Neeka. Let me speak. You don't understand how much I need you in Mabaya. You're an impressive woman." he said.

    Neeka threw his hand off of her. "Koldo, enough is enough. I've told you, find your own mistress." she hissed.
    Koldo chuckled, and leaned in close to Neeka, then furiously slammed his fists into the wall.
    "Dammit, Neeka. I want you. I need you." he hissed back.
    "Piss off." she said, her voice lowered.

    Neeka pushed Koldo with a powerful force away from her, and was just about to walk out from the alleyway, when he grabbed both of her arms. This time, Neeka didn't struggle. Koldo leaned his head in and whispered:
    "I bumped into Phoebe and Lance.. Word of warning. He's a bad guy. Go to Phoebe, Neeka. She needs you." he smirked.

    Them words. Neeka had heard before. She tugged hard away from Koldo's grip and started walking away. Just as she turned the corner, she looked back at Koldo over her shoulder. She looked at him in disgust, and pure hatred. How could you hate someone so much? As she returned back to the 'what you would class as normal' streets of Pesalah, she noticed that her hands were trembling slighty. Probably because of how much adrenaline and hate that pulsing through her veins. Neeka realised and quickly shoved her hands back deeply into her pockets. It wasn't long until she would find Phoebe and Lance.