My life is high school musical

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Oliver_Kirk, Mar 1, 2016.

  1. Best role
  2. Genius
  3. Thanks to everyone!! And yeah I'm probably overthinking this all too much... but I auditioned and I think I did well so..! All will be good I hope. 
  4. Try your best bro. Just believe in your talent. ??
  5. You should follow thy heart young romeo
  6. Do your best. Own that role! Good luck with the audition 
  7. SPARKLE BRO SPARKLE!!! Like shine brighter than a woman's legs!
  8. Do "your crush" even knows you exist?
  9. Yes, we're actually pretty okay friends. Just doesn't know I like em 
  10. And again thanks everyone. Think I nailed it. 