Bored Bored Bored Bored #2

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BloopLord, Feb 19, 2016.

  1. Wait what ? :( :( :( :(
  2. You were not supposed to see this :(
  3. Steal it :)
  4. ^ You come to my thread made by me for you and you tell me I'm not your #1 Boo ? That's savage :(
  5. :lol/ :lol: :"ok: :lol:
    Eat that, Crash! <3
  6. But you're the one in my pm, not her.
  7. Art bae stop hiding in the forums I know flocci mean but he needs love too ??
  8. Bye Pumpkin
  9. ?sounds fun I will
  10. Oh. :( Lemme hit up them PM's for some Agent P Arpee real quick, k?
  11. Flocci makes me cri alladatiem, doe. In Spanish, even. :cry:
  12. Flocci just need that love
  13. Raf for mod
  14. Facts ! ?
  15. You need new hobby asap
  16. Roleplay is a hobby !!!

  17. Wait stalking WC , Visiting Forums , Walling random people , making threads because I'm bored doesn't count as a hobby ? :(
  18. lol being bored is fun
  19. And before I forget
