Im BORED I'm bored ALWAYS OK Now moving ahead with thread My question is how to get rich ? There are 5 easy steps Step 1 Buy a small dog cause every rich person have them And for dumdum people who are thinking why would we buy a dog for being rich my answer is you gotta look rich to be rich Step 2- Get plastic surgery cause that's what rich people do Step 3- Blow up your money buy things you can't afford , thing you don't need and if you need a faster method burn the money and if you have access to dynamite its even better cause Dynamite Makes everything better Step 4 - Buy my book called 'Making it big like The Crash ' Why you should buy my book ? Cause it has even more AWESOME WAYS TO EARN MONEY Step 5 - wait there is not step 5 I miscalculated And just to remind ya all about this thread is solely about my boo Rabid Platypus <3 KEFO stay away from my boo Time for useless hashtags #LetsGetSexy #CabbageLeftMe #-iQ-TheGoatLord #FireMike2k16 And before I forget
Support. Dynamite does make everything better. I already stole your boo. #SorryNotSorry #DETSRUCTIONBB