crazy things to think about

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -PA_JulieNicole-, Feb 15, 2016.

  1. I lol'd
  2. Same
  3. I think about dumping gasoline on my body then setting fire to myself so that I can shine bright like a diamonddddddddd.
  4. Go for it
  5. Like A great man once said ( Shae Labeouf ) Just do it
  6. Do people inside mascots smile when people take pictures with them?
  7. ^ nah they just cuss at ya
  8. "Why do ppl make stupid threads" that was my thoughts tbh.
  9. Ruder than my aunt Edna :roll:

  10. Bruh
  11. Oh my word I dunno whether to laugh or tell you "that's so rude" 
  12. ?a crazy thing to think about is that everyone is going to have a different experience today.
  13. RIP to your chill ☠
  14.  you goon ?
  15. On a serious note:

    Things wouldn't be valuable, such as knowledge or materialistic things, if we didn't give them a value.

    If we were all capable of doing and thinking the same things, nothing would have a value. We would be nothing.

    Thus why society needs the failures and the successes; the poor and the rich; the smart and the dumb. 

  16. bruh..... ?
  17. triple support
  18. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  19. How do you hand cuff a one armed man?