Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by hillaryclintonn, Feb 15, 2016.

  1. I'm laughing 
  3. Don't like him,so no reasons
  4. Make America great again. :D
  5. I love him for being the stupidest person in America...

    Make America Go To The Pits
  6. Me too
  7. Its already in the pits :?
  8. Same
  9. I love Donald Trump because he's not afraid to speak his mind, and that he's got more balls and business sense than anyone else. 
  10. That is true
    I don't agree to all the political ideas he has but I appreciate his forward way to show what he believes and what he wants to do.

    Besides if was to be president it wouldn't really make a huge deal. American constitution is so closed to the president's power, the senat can revoke him and they have a bigger weight in the end
  11. Donald Trump
    Donald T.
    Don T.
    Don't ?
    Glad we had this talk
  12. Loool I saw that pic once.