club not following cf term

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BTB_BB_is_Brisingr_Princess, Feb 3, 2016.

  1. Let's just say this... She brought a friend in from another club. He was our mediator. He made her take the first cf saying she was wrong. She then broke the cf and we mediated again. He told her that she broke it again. She wouldn't take it and he joined our club and hit her.
  2. Because it's none of your business, maybe get involved in the sfw if you care so much.

  3. These were the cf terms...they suck.
  4. The friend was war tuts friend and then joined your club  totally not fair
  5. I'll ss you Angel the cf terms.
  6. TSK understands wars. You break cf let's war again. Negotiate... Break cf, let's war again
  7. Last time I say this ...when u all realize fam this has gone on to far then u can wall me and I will draw up a fair and simple cf to end this crazy drama..
  8. Love, . Your the one that brought him 
  9. Granted this thread should of never been made. Seeing as this fw or sfw is between both parties.

    I will say this tho. If the posts on her wall are a legit cf term given at one point, I would even laugh. As I told 1 person already, I have never in all my years of playing seen a cf that revolved around self pinning.

    I was told at one point by op, that Fam said she couldn't hit more than a few times. Think 2-3 bcuz if she sp'ed it broke cf and she would have to disband. That is silly tbh. Ask anyone in a sfw or fw, no one just gives a few taps. This isn't a system war.

    Now that is just a lil bit of op's side of the story tho. Only of 1 cf. As for the rest before... I have no idea, nor is it my business really.

    As for op tho, I would advise you either think of a gd cf term that BOTH side will agree on or just hit back. Thread was not needed.
  10. Lol, Love, ur the one that brought him. He just happened to know war
  11. I am already involved in one. Besides this is forums. I think I can speak if I want. Correct? Thanks k.
  12. Inc 0/5d love
  13. This is your forum chat. I respect it. I am just giving you the advice that you asked. And my answer would be... If your still be farmed, then you have broken cf. Next time, keep cf.
  14. You can TSK. Good luck in ur war 
  15. And for the love of god, if you have a simple cf term to just not bad mouth... you got off easy. Should of just bit the bullet and moved on. Could of been over with.
  16. Y shud we bite the bullet...they they r crying on forums ...we r just letting ppl know abt the thing
  17. I believe that was not meant for you. Seeing as one of your members on this thread said her cf term was to not bad mouth FAM.
  18. Yes, when ur ready to cf, draw up terms for your cf, and we can negotiate
  19. Dude, I am so mad we can't ask for monatary things, or I would ask for the pony I always wanted. But I know better. 
  20. The cf was lots more and it was to
    Not even talk to any of my friends that even visit fam..again who does that ? Controlling ppl on talking to friends when they are real life friends off this game is totally crazy