club not following cf term

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BTB_BB_is_Brisingr_Princess, Feb 3, 2016.

  1. Can't be ask sexy as me tho  Jkjk ??
  2. If they're not following cf terms if means they don't accept cf terms  and they will keep farming obviously
  3. ^ Bingo, baby.
  5. Wow this is nice of BTB .. they were the ones who broke the cf twice and now started crying on forums...good job by no. 1 vip club in fights 
  6. You just mad your ten million alts still can't touch us
  7. Know your facts dude bc u have no idea what the heck your talking about ...don't worry many know the truth 
  8. Your my biggest club cow what are you talking aboutalso look at your fight and dance stats and you tell me who just has kcs ?
  9. Hey now, you haven't pinned me once don't make me look bad on forums. Now pin me I'm off forums, you have war to get to.
  10. I think no 1 VIP in wars is pwar champ :lol:
  11. Did anyone else notice the cf terms say as of 12/11/15? Were in 2016 people?
  12. Oh nvrm, it seems like they just run wars to get the #1 rank in wars :?
    I seriously never think ppl do this, but I'm kinda out of the loop these days :lol:
  13. I am la and btb broke cf 2x that is why we r at war . Your club was giving many chances to cf but you broke cf a 2nd time . You are the 1# top VIP war club and acting like you didn't understand FAM cf terms . You know how to contact us and we Hv been farmed before it's part of the game . I do have an issue with you still bad mouthing FAM . We take time in FAM to help members grow . And teach members how to play pimd the right way in a real war .
  14. Lol btb faked their war rec. Go through the history. All one club with their alts. They say they know how to war?  My ass. Half her club was found to be inac. And they don't even know how to strip right. They just fail fail fail, dn, fail fail fail.
  15. Everyone here is so salty... Why can't we just cf... This is astonishingly boring... They don't even hit back... Ugh, BTB, please either hit back or cf. I either want to fight or party not this construct where y'all just play dead. Sincerely, VengefulZlot
  16. It is called dtw your always dtw in fact u r now keep your ?in your mouth ur looking like a little child that knows nothing..crying all over wc ..plzz do more bc u all helping me get your time zones darn noobs
  17. Hey love..u and ur alts...smh...u want time zones...tell us urs ..we will hit u in ur timezone...stop crying on forums and reply in war....ciao
  18. Awwww look at u all talking about cf.. Your cf is stupid and stop begging me about a cf also stop worrying about VIP rank, but then again your intimidated I guess that's why it is a big topic to you i guess u might need a hug ??
  19. They all run their mouths but haven't stripped our tuts or nothing and then have their alts beg us for a CF bc we won't back down. All members in LA FAMILIA have crappy stats bc you got your kcs from cat parties. Stop hating