-BOLO- Valentines Idea "VDAY ROSES"

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by _BOLO275_, Feb 8, 2016.

  1. Valentines Idea!!

    Here is my Kaea idea for V'Day :oops:

    All players on the 14th of feb gift "special" Roses


    Each rose has a "Heart rank" 1 being the lowest to 5 the highest of the roses in heart ranks. Every player is given 2 of each "ranked" rose to gift to whoever they choose. Within one day everyone must gift there roses out. ( for Trade dvp/Ts/items).
    Your total "Heart rank" counts toward different ranking tiers of drop items, your total heart rank determines your outcome.


    The gifter of these "special" roses are made Anonymous till the end of the day. Opportunity for all the romantic love birds to suprise their secret crush.
  2. O noice I'd ask all the nubs to gimme em for a hire ?

    Um also, the only secret rose I'd be giving is to myself so uh ?
  3. and to me too
  4. Support tbh
  5. said no one ever ?
  6. Juliet will give rose only to me... since it is quite obvious that she had huge crush on me...

    I will support if it is only yellow roses becoz yellow roses means death so yeah it would be fun.
  7. Righttttt 
  8.  Lovers at first sight?
  9. I
    My BOLOgna BABY!!
  10. Cool idea BOLO...have my support..
  11. I am disgusted at such a thought 
  12. Support. ? I like the color of the roses. Can't go wrong with pastels.
  13. What about my rs ? Lololol
  14. Support
  15. Everyone hates that, that they cannot understand