Nothing Normal

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by anna642, Jan 21, 2016.

  1. ?Chapter 1?

    Blood. Blood was the only word that was being processed over and over again through my head. I kept thinking blood. Why was I only thinking blood? I knew nothing. I didn't know who I was, where I was, or what was happening.

    Then everything came back to me.


    Two weeks earlier:


    Brittany had always hated me. Her boyfriend, Tyler, had always liked me more but she had found something to hold over his head to make him date her instead. She had been torturing me all of junior year of highschool. She was THE meanest girl at school. Naturally, she picked me to take her wrath out on. Today was the last day of school. So she decided she would beat me up.


    "Brittany you b***h!! Just leave me alone!" I screamed!

    "No Tara you deserve this! You're a w***e! I see the way you look at Tyler!"

    "Please stop!" I pleaded. Brittany continued to hit me. I tried to fight back but her clones held me down with impressive strength. WHAM! I whimpered in pain as I felt her fist collide with my cheek and my tender skin split. Warm blood ran down my cheek mixing with my hot tears. With one final kick to my ribs, Brittany and her posse left me in the alley where they had cornered me. I sat in fetal position clutching my ribs while sobbing. I couldn't stand it anymore. I would rather die than suffer through this anymore. It would never end. So with that... I dragged myself up and with a new mission in mind, I headed home. I was finally going to end my problems, my pain, my life.

    Little did I know, the things next to come would defy odds and change my life forever.


    This is my first story! Please leave constructive criticism and I hope all you readers enjoy what I have coming up :)
  2. Can you carry on please?

    My mom wasn't home. My brother wasn't home either. I was safe to do what needed to be done. I took my phone out and texted my mom that I was home as was required. I added and "I love you" because of what I was about to do. Putting my phone down, I crawled upstairs, one hand clutching my still aching ribs. Tears threatened to spill out of my already puffy eyes. "No," I thought, "I will not give Brittany the satisfaction of making me cry anymore!" I reached to open the bathroom door. My hands were shaking. I clumsily missed the door handle and twisted. I stumbled into the bathroom and went to the medicine cabinet. I grabbed some random medicine bottle. I fell to the floor finally letting my hot tears cascade down my bruised face. "This is the end. I can't stand this anymore. Suicide is the only way out," I thought. I left a simple note saying I'm sorry and I started taking pill after pill. As I stared at the empty bottle I read NEHD CO. Weird I thought, my mom works there. As my vision started to fade to black, I glimpsed one last thing. Something that would change my life forever. A warning label had been carelessly stuck on the bottom of the cap and said :



    Karyn (Tara's Mom) POV

    Tara had left. Karyn went to her purse and pulled out a bottle. She had stolen an experimental drug from her work. She believed it was dangerous and didn't want it in the hands of her evil boss. There was a warning label on the side of the bottle. It was small so she stuck it underneath the cap in order to hide that it wasn't a normal household medicine. To complete the fausade, she stuck it in the bathroom medicine cabinet.
    "Hidden in the plain sight. Now I have to go quit," Karyn grumbled angrily. She walked downstairs and grabbed her keys. She hopped in her car and headed to work.

    Karyn arrived at the grey ominous building. A place full of nightmares, dreams, and more. She sighed and got out of her car heading for the front doors. She clocked in and headed straight for her boss's office. Before she even knocked, her boss opened the door. He looked at her and beckoned her in. She felt uneasy. It was as if he knew what she had down, what she was going to do, and he had a plan of making her pay for it. She bravely stepped into his office, and braced herself for what would happen next. With her heart racing and her mind occupied, she didn't notice her phone vibrate with a text from Tara saying : I'm home mom. Just wanted to say I love you.

    Sorry I didn't update. I didn't think anyone even saw or read my story haha
  4. Sorry for all the typos and mistakes! I'm still really new
  5. Please continue 
  6. Tara's POV:

    It was pitch black when I jerked awake. Where am I? Why am I still alive?, I thought. I felt... Different. I could feel everything. I could hear my blood rushing through my veins. I could see an ant crawling on the inside of the bathtub. I shook my head in confusion and all my senses came back to me. Everything was normal again. The ant looked like a speck and I could hear... Nothing again. In a daze, I looked at my watch. Alarm set in as I realized an entire day had gone by. It was currently 10:30 pm on a Friday. I remember coming home and blacking out YESTERDAY. Then it hit me, where is my mom? Where is my brother? My heart started pounding and I went to look for my phone. I found it at the bottom of the stairs. No messages. So I called my mom. No answer. What was happening? A lump started forming in my throat. So I called the one person I knew would be there. I called Kyle. Brittany's boyfriend, but my friend. He picked up after two rings.
    "Hey Tara what's up?" Kyle said.
    "I... I need your help Ky," I said with a sob.
    "Where are you?"
    "I'm coming don't move." He hung up the phone with a click. I stared at my phone. He's coming. I'll be okay now.I thought. I sent a silent prayer to the heavens asking him to please hurry. And then, the world went black and my body slumped to the ground.


    Karyn POV:

    "Karyn, you know our policy here. You know what we do here is... Different. The world is not ready to accept what we do," Mr. Groffman said.

    "I understand that sir. As my boss, I respect you. But I cannot sit by and watch this company experiment with life this way. It's not right," Karyn rebutted.

    "Don't you dare say that. You've been with us for 14 years. Your just as bad as I am Karyn and you know that."

    "Sir, I have not been okay with this since the beginning. I quit."

    "I wish you hadn't have said that Karyn. As you know, our drug has given me... Abilities. I foresaw this coming. So I planned accordingly. I cannot have my lead scientist leave in the middle of a breakthrough. I also cannot have you blabbing to the world about our discoveries. So I decided to get a little incentive for you to stay. Bring out the boy please."

    Karyn gasped in horror as her beautiful boy was drug into the office from a concealed door.
    "Cody what have they done to you!" Karyn screamed. "He's only 15. Let him go!"

    "I'm afraid you've left me no choice. As long as you stay here and cooperate we shouldn't have any more issues. We will let you live here with your son."

    "I have a daughter! What about her?"

    "Sadly, she has been comprised. I will send some men to uhh... Take care of her later. I'm sorry it had to come to this Karyn. I really am."

    "What have you done to my daughter? What do you mean compromised? What is happening?"
    Mr. Groffman just smiled coldly at Karyn. He flicked his wrist and one of his bodyguards came and bound Karyn's hands and took her and her son away. He then picked up the phone on his desk and called his secretary.
    "Mary, please let Mr. Plake know our plan is a go. Tell him to assemble a team to take out the girl. We can't let her be out in the world in her state. She could be the downfall of our entire plan."

    "Of course Mr. Groffman. Right away sir." Mr. Groffman hung up the phone and pulled up the video feed connected to Karyn's room. He started to grin, than smile, than chuckle, and finally start to laugh with joy at the prospect of his plan finally starting to come together.
  7. Its interesting for sure