Super Bowl 50 [contest]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Floccinaucinihilipilification, Feb 4, 2016.

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  1. Super Bowl 50

    I know, I'm late. Better late than never? This Sunday NFC champs the Carolina Panthers play AFC champs the Denver Broncos. No, not the queen/king of pimd, the American football team

    We're a few days away but plenty of time to make an educated or wild guess. I'll be rewarding cats to those that predict closest score to the final score of game. Few things,

    • 1 entry per account
    • state which team will score what (ex broncos 7-0)
    • in the event of a tie, both will get the rewards
    • thread will be locked when game starts, you have until then
    • winners will be contacted after game ends to schedule drops

    1st place - 3 cats
    2nd place - 2 cats
    3rd place - 1 cat
    Rest of you - nothing ?
  2. Lemme have first place regardless ?
  3. Everyone loses and Katy perry performs with dancing starfish
  4. Panthers 43-17, because #YOLO.
    I don't even know if these scores are possible, what with field goals and all. :lol:
  5. Any one of them will surely win.

    Now where's my gift
  6. Panthers 38 Broncos 10
  7. Broncos 18 - 6
  8. Panthers 30 Broncos 28
  9. Panthers 28-14
  10. Broncos 8-3 ? yolo
  11. Panthers 35 Broncos 24
  12. Broncos 15-7
  13. Panthers 26-19 Broncos
  14. Panthers 34-20
  15. Panthers 31 - 10 Broncos
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