How Bad is your addiction..???

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -OFH-MICGOZ_V-ll, Jan 29, 2016.

  1. So bad that I stay up all night farming.
  2. I spend so much time on here that I lose sleep and wake up so tired

  3. I love this post.... Addicted.... Hmmm I'm still in denial over 20 acc. N devices... ??
  4. Not addicted soooo.....:cool:
  5. I need pimd annonymous :/
  6. Does anyone remember the guy that had a pimD themed birthday cake ? 
  7. I used to be addicted, carrying alts with me everywhere. It was at its worst when I owned my own club. Thankfully life happened and I was able to take a step back from pimd. The relationship feature initiation and cat cafe helped me get over the addiction quickly.
  8. I dreamed that Rude became forum mod. No joke. 
  9. I asked for rp in campus .
  10. Lmfao funniest dream ever.

    Over 20 active accounts, active 16-18 hours a day. Still maintain i can kick the habit easily...
    Given i have multiple times thought out the past 5 years.
  11. I pray hard to get the D from PIM"D"..
  12. I have an alarm set for every hour at night so I can wake up and unload 
  13. I realized I was addicted when I called someone a noob at work ? and my first reaction in morning is to check Pimd
  14. Lol I hope some of you are joking.
  15. I don't think they are joking 
  16. Addiction is way too bad

    When you close your books and play pimd. :|
  17. I realized I was addicted when I was at work and no matter how busy... I would always get on pimd to ul and check forums :(

    Instead of checking social Media First I check pimd ?
  18. Awkward asf when you realize "noob" is actually considered an insult in your country and is used often, whereas this guy just thinks it's a pimd thing. ?
  19. Take it to Brobacious' wall.
  20. It's not a term in my country so..