Asian Stereotypes.️

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_A_-CareBearCrystal, Jan 25, 2016.

  2. Lies! #Crestolf is beautiful, rolls right off the tongue. ?
  3. Asians are cool
  4. That moment when someone talks about Asian Stereotypes and only mentions Chinese and Filipino people...
  5. That moment some smartass probably doesn't realize how large Asia is and didn't think that some asian stereotypes apply to other ethnicities and the makers only chose to something they knew best. 
  6.  Well then ? That escalated.
  7. Calm yourself. There shall not be an explosion.  you may keep the popcorn. ?
  8. Well damn, don't mind my fat ass if I do keep the popcorn ^
  9. I lol'd.
  10. U always laugh at me :( gonna make an emo thread
  11. Omg I can't stop laughing
  12. Lol cute... I'm not Asian but I love Asians. Everything I like is Asian. Sushi, hello Kitty, those sexy sexy tuner cars, and you guys have awesome fashion. Your game shows are bright and happy and I like that Asians are still quite traditional and family orientated. Like they regard honor highly. Tbh... I wish I was Asian. I dont care about the stereotypes coz they're so cool! :)
  13. Mine is "We're terrorists" "We all drive taxis" and "we eat a lot of curry".
  14. Lmao calm yourself I was only saying that why name a thread "Asian Stereotypes" and only include Chinese and Filipino people. And I do know how large Asia is and Asia is so big that there are many ethnicities so all the more reason to include more Asian countries.
  15. Stay on topic, thanks. Obviously people focus on Chinese when people refer to an Asian. It's just a title.?
  16. Then people need to be educated if they only consider the Chinese when the term Asian is used lol. Not hating on Chinese or you I'm half chinese myself 
  17. Omg so real?
  18. Apparently I ride a kangaroo to work.

    I have to have a tan, must not be very Australian if I don't have a tan...
    (I'm so white I'm almost as transparent as Casper)

    "Throw another shrimp on the barbie!"
    (Tbh I've never watched that movie nor have I ever cooked seafood this way, but a lot of people think we do it 24/7)

    Australian wildlife will kill you.
    So many people on here tell me this, I just go along with it cause I think it's funny.
  19. "Do you live in huts?"

    Lmao that's hillarious  awesome thread ?
  20. yes 