K'n'Q of January 2016 [VOTING]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Royale_Kaname_Will_Never_Die, Jan 27, 2016.

  1. King and Queen of January 2016

    Welcome to the voting process of the King and Queen of January 2016, so here's our nominees!

    The Kings

    • -Kakashi-Hatake

      (If he decides to participate he could win, if not, then Kakashi would automatically win).

    The Queens

    • -Everybody



      -HaveYouSeenThisGirl (No I didn't sorry..)


    Now what?

    It's simple enough, all the contestant should find their friends, if you they have no friends, then find strangers to come on this thread and vote for their Queen of this month. Please DO NOT vote random people or nominate people that aren't on the list over. I'll give till the end of the month for people to vote.

    I.E: "I vote for Inu for Queen and Kaname for King."

    I'll contact ATA and try my best to bring them to give special items!

    A third thread will be made to name down the winners of King and Queen of January 2016.


    Signed Kaname
  2. bb code error

    edit: he fixed it ? anyways broncoo m takane are an intresting couple
  3. Broncoo for king of the slaves
  4. I voted for Broncoo as queen. Rigged system. 
  5. Let me be the host!

    I'll be like Steve Harvey and make the miss universe mistake.
  6. I'm voting for the one with the biggest boobs.
  7. Everybody for queen ?
    Whoever for king idrc
  8. Yeah every woman for "Queen of making sandwiches"

    My sandwich please!
  9. No fun..
  10. Broncoo will always be the Queen in my eyes, but Takane can be his runner-up.
  11. Hi please send gifts
  12. Is this the official voting thread.
    Do votes cast in the previous thread count ?
  13. Broncoo for queen of pimd
  14. Mlady_samantha to be queen for my vote
  15. Mlady_samantha to be queen for my vote
  17. I vote for Mlady_Samantha for queen
  18. This is the official, the previous thread is cancelled and in order for your vote to be counted you must pick one King and one Queen.