Colleen and Katalina sat on Katalina's bed, watching NCIS. "Oh my gosh. Tony is soooo hot," Colleen gushed. "Yeah, well I've got a hot boyfriend, so I don't even care at this point," Katalina said, smiling. "Hey! I've got a hot boyfriend too you know," Colleen complained. "And so you are Charlie are official now, huh? About time!" Katalina laughed. "Yeah, we made it official the night we took down Sean. That was the best, but worst night of my life. Oh, and I know you have a hot boyfriend. Who do you think set you up by accident when I was trying to get him?" Katalina joked. Ryan was still unaware of it, but when she had set him and Colleen up, she was really trying to get him for herself. Now, she's glad for the two of them. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. You've got Charlie, so you have nothing to complain about." The doorbell rang and both of them perked up like meercats. They looked at each other and Katie peeked up from behind her Calculus book. They all looked at each other and squealed. Ashley. "I got it!" Katie shouted and raced down the stairs. Before the door was even fully opened, Ashley had knocked it down and engulfed Katie in a hug. "Ay Mami! This place is fantastico! This so damn big." "Nice to see you too!" Katie teased. Ashley laughed. "Sorry I- Kat! Collie!" No sooner did the words escape her mouth was she tackled down by the two girls. "Aye carumba! Get yo fat asses off me!" She got up and dusted off herself. "Ahh, it's nice to have you back Ash," Katalina said. "It's nice to be back!" The south side queen started to rattle on about the latest fights and rubmles and each guy she got together with. There was so many that Katalina lost count. This was the queen bee down there and she knew it. "Yeah, and it was the last game of the night. I grabbed the little ball and shot it right in the cup. Ooh Mami, Hector picked me right up and kissed me so strongly," "Hector?" Colleen asked, "What happened to Victor?" "Gahh," Ashley groaned and spat on the floor, "Don't even speak of the name. That jerk slept with Selena. That Latina pop princess had another thing coming. One sucker punch and that bitch was out. All the chicos thought I was harsh. Then they learned what I did to Victor and his "baby". That freaking car needed a new paint job anyway." The girls all laughed. That was their Ashley. The chica didn't take anything from anyone. "Well, do you want to see your new suite?" Katalina asked her. "I get my own room? God! Katie, your casa es muy fantastico!" With that, she grabbed her bags and ran up the stairs.
The girls all piled out of Matt's car and filed into the house. The party was already in full swing. The Andrews Girls were always fashionably late. Katie and Matt walked into the kitchen to go get a couple of drinks. Colleen walked off to go look for Ryan. Ashley stayed behind with Katalina to help her scan the place for Charlie. Suddenly, a strong pair of hands were rested on Katalina's waist. "Boo," Charlie whispered into Katalina's ear, nibbling on it. Ashley eyed him over and gave Katalina a look of approval. She glanced over the crowd and her eyes lit up when she saw someone. "Well, I found my guy. Text me when you're leaving because I'll be busy tonight." Katalina watched her to see what guy she found. Uh oh. This can not be good. When Ashley wanted a guy, she always got him. With her lushious brown hair, inviting brown eyes, and perfect olive skin, the exotic latina look never failed her. Even if the guy had a girl, she would dominate. That's what scared Katalina because Ashley walked straight up to Ryan. "Hey babe."
"What do you mean you were just dancing?" Colleen shrieked. "Unless you count grinding your bodies against each other while playing tonsil hockey 'just dancing', I think it was a little more, Ash!" "Chakita! Chill out! Down on the south side, we fight for what we want. I don't see another little Ryan running around here, so until you find me one, I'm going to tell you what I tell all the other little chicas around there: he's mine." "Ladies! Ladies!" Ryan tried to intervein. "Shut up, Ryan!" both girls said in unison. Ryan rolled his eyes and slumped back down on the couch. The girls battled it out for the next twenty minutes. Finally, Katie had an idea. She whispered something to Katalina and Katalina nodded and disappeared into the crowd. She came back a little while later, dragging Justin behind her. "Ashley! You wanted another little Ryan, well here he is. Ashley, Justin. Justin, Ashley. You two kids have fun." Ashley looked him over and smiled. "Sorry Collie. I didn't mean to take your man. I just saw him and thought he was cute. I tend to be a little protective of the things I want. No hard feelings?" She gave Colleen a genuinely sorry smile and hugged her. "Yeah, we're cool I guess. I was just a little pissy about it. Sorry." "We're both sorry. Now, who are you?" Ashley asked Justin sexily and ran her finger down his chest. Justin just blushed and smiled. "This is Justin," Katie explained. "He's Ryan's brother. Now you two don't get into too much trouble." Ashley grabbed Justin by his hand and started walking towards the dance floor. He turned around to the girls and mouthed "Thank you!" The girls just giggled and waved. They each returned to their respective man and the rest of the party went smoothly. As for that night, after the party, that was a different story.